Aaron Heller <heller@...> writes:

> Is there some trick to uploading these files?  The files I make upload, but
> then fail during processing.

Hi Aaron,

Try this, start with an MP4 video file and the 4-channel .wav ACN audio
file. Maybe the issue is that you are trying to loop a still image? Also, I
did not specify quad layout, I just attached the 4-ch .wav.

 -i YT_Videofile.mp4 -i YT_ACN_audiofile.wav -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c:a copy
-async 1 -c:v copy -aspect 1920:960 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -metadata
creation_time=now -sn -y YoutubeFinal.mov

It takes about 4 hours for the spatial audio (with the rotation) to fully
process after you upload it (sometimes longer), but you should be able to
hear the ACN rendered to stereo pretty soon after you upload.

Hope that helps,


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