Politis Archontis wrote:

But instead of combining all microphones to generate the binaural directivities (as in ambisonics), it interpolates only between the two adjacent microphones that should be closest to the listener’s ears. Otherwise, it does not capture pinna cues or cues from a non-spherical/assymetrical head.
Any source  for this explanation?

I actually dare to question your view... How will you receive any binaural cues via interpolation between two relatively closely spaced omni mikes (fixed on a sphere)?

As you even write, this doesn't seem to give any head and pinna cues. (It's called MTB. So I guess they would aim to provide several binaural perspectives, including head and pinna cues?)



To be honest, the ambisonic recording and decoding provides a better framework 
for imposing individualized or non-individulized HRTFs on the recordings (it is 
harder to do that in their method), but you need high-orders to capture the 
high-frequency cues.


On 05 Jun 2016, at 20:14, Dave Hunt <davehuntau...@btinternet.com> wrote:


It is hardly surprising that "I hear directional information and head tracking 
effects, but have never experienced the externalization and verisimilitude that direct 
dummy head or Algazi and Duda's motion-tracked binaural recordings can produce."

Even software direct binaural encoding seems more 'accurate' than B-Format 
ambisonics recoded to binaural. Then Algazi and Duda's system uses binaural 
recordings, and they know what they're doing.

Decorrelation, and software reverb,  can help with a sense of externalisation, 
though you can go too far.


Dave Hunt

From: Aaron Heller <hel...@ai.sri.com>
Date: 4 June 2016 20:53:09 BDT
To: Surround Sound discussion group <sursound@music.vt.edu>
Subject: Re: [Sursound] Using Ambisonic for a live streaming VR project

My experience with FOA-to-binaural rendering is pretty much the same as
what Acrhontis says.   I hear directional information and head tracking
effects, but have never experienced the externalization and verisimilitude
that direct dummy head or Algazi and Duda.'s motion-tracked binaural
recordings can produce.

Aaron (hel...@ai.sri.com)
Menlo Park, CA

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