Provided that FLAC is really kind of inextensible:

Could you not define a "new" FLAC II format, now being reasonably defined?

In the best case the FLAC II decoder can still read the FLAC "legacy" format, and things would work.

It is not pretty, but could be done. (In case there is some demand for, of course.)

I actually don't see such a big difference to the "well-formed FLAC case", because you would need a new decoder anyway. Or am I wrong on this?

Best regards


(P.S.: Not giving up on this so fastly... )

----- Mensagem de Fons Adriaensen <> ---------

 Data: Sun, 23 May 2021 22:40:26 +0200

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 01:10:21PM -0600, Martin Leese wrote:

Extending FLAC to more than eight channels

 has been discussed in the past.    For

 example, look in the sursound archives for this

 long post by me:

     Subject: Re: [Sursound] octofile release

     Date: Mon Jul 30 22:30:42 EDT 2018

 It is not possible, except by using multiple

 FLAC streams in a single container.

Does this 8 channel limit exist just because only 3 bits are reserved for

 the number of channels in the STREAMINFO block, or is it a fundamental

 limit of the algorithm ? I suspect it's the former.

 Apparently whoever defined that format was thinking that even a single

 byte would be a terrible waste of bits. Same for the maximum size (in

 frames) which is 36 bits. Rounding that up to 5 bytes would again have

 been a terrible waste of superexpensive bits. I wonder how that passed

 any serious review...





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