On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 18:07:40 GMT, Alex Venn wrote:

> Here's another take on it...
> I can't say what Nettamer does, but when KA9Q does PAP, it sends the
> login ID and password immediately the PPP layer is up and that's that.
> DOSPPPD doesn't - it waits to be invited and that's the problem. A lot
> of PAP hosts are also CHAP hosts and, unfortunately, CHAP (sometimes ?)
> takes precedence so that poor old (E)PPPD is stuck with a thing wanting
> to talk CHAP to it and it can't, or at least doesn't, insist on PAP. The
> end result is that ISPs which happily talk PAP to KA9Q, stall with

I normally use Arachne with EPPPD and use BOOTP. Just to see if it still
works, I sometimes go back to PAP. At one point, it stopped working for
just the reason you mention.

Using a terminal dialing program, I saw that it still sent the "Connect
#####" prompt, but nothing thereafter. I struck the key board in the
area of the enter key. I was THEN prompted "Login:". Sent that, got
prompted for "Password:", and so on to a connection.

I altered the login script to send a CR and *then* to wait for the
username prompt. Works every time now.

By the way, because I live in a small town, my ISP does not operate the
local server themselves, so they were unable to tell me what had
changed. Had to figure it for myself.

Most people I suggest this to say it works for them. A few say it
doesn't. Best of luck.


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-- Arachne V1.50;s.r.c., NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://home.arachne.cz/

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