Doh! All that writing and I still forgot something important...

"G. Douglas Burton (95)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [...]  I have several books on Samba, but most of them speak
> some other language besides common sense!  Can you recommend some good
> reading for a Linux newbie like me?  Perhaps something I can understand?

Have you checked out SWAT? If you've configured it (you require samba, swat
AND apache typically), try pointing your web browser at:


and see if it's there. If so, log in using the root account and password
(DON'T expose swat to the Internet!)

SWAT lets you easily set up a basic smb.conf file. This will help you build
a WORKING config that you can study. Once you've got the basics going with
swat, read the manpage for smb.conf, and you should be in good shape.

- Bob

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