At 09:33 PM 2/4/2002 -0700, Bob wrote:

>Glad to hear you're giving it all a shot, but bummed that it's not working
>out for you. Let's fix that!
>So it sounds like you've got Samba set up correctly if the Windows systems
>can see it, read/write files and print. Is that correct? Getting Linux (Unix
>more correctly) to talk to Windows IS a tad different. Some variations may
>exist depending on WHAT Windows you're running.

I think I have Samba set up correctly.  My main windows system (Speedy) is
running WIn95B and if I remember correctly, I just set the user name and
password in Samba to the same as I use for this computer.  It is the only
system I can use to see my Mandrake computer, but I can read/write files
to/from Speedy with no problem.  I have not been brave enough to attempt
sharing any printers yet.  I know I had a problem at one time not using
encrypted passwords but I think I have that working now.  I guess my worst
problem is how to set up/change the passwords for Samba.   I don't have a
lot of time to devote to it as it is now (working 6 days a week), so that
is one of the reasons I can't recall how I actually got it to work!  I do
remember I had the least trouble setting up Corel Linux to work with my
network, but I took off that distro to make room for RH.  I think it was a
big mistake!

>Let me describe what I've got and how I use it. Maybe a working example will
>help. (Names and passwords have been changed to protect the innocent and
>hide my silly naming conventions):
>WINDOWS 2000: I've got a Windows 2000 Workstation system called win2k where
>I put big-but-not-critical files like MP3s, downloads and such. I only use
>local accounts (no Domain) on this machine. One account is "bobg" with
>password "win2kpw".

I do get lost when discussing domains vs. workgroups.  I have not had time
to play around much with NT based systems, but they seemed to be as complex
as Linux to me!

>WINDOWS 98: I also have a couple of Win98 machines, named unimaginatively
>pc1, pc2 etc. I've enabled Windows file & print sharing on these. I've set
>these up using share-level access control (Control Panel->Network->Access
>Control), and have set a password "win98pw" for read-write access on each

Another sticking point with me is share-level vs. user-level access.  Most
of my limited knowledge comes from reading in Linux docs and I can't seem
to comprehend them so well.

>LINUX: I've got a Debian 2.2 Linux machine named Linux. I've put Samba on
>Linux to hold various user files and such. I've got an account "bobg" with
>password "linuxpw" (see previous note on security) on Linux, and have added
>"bobg" to the smbpasswd file.

I've always wanted to try Debian, but I always heard that Mandrake was the
easiest to learn.

>I want to be able to copy files to/from my Windows machines using native
>Linux tools. The smbclient program can send/receive files from Windows
>machines, but it's more like FTP. What I really want is to mount Windows
>shares under Linux. First, I need to make sure I've got smbfs support. It's
>typically installed in most kernels of most distributions by default these
>days, but you may require a support package or two. (Varies by distribution.
>In Debian, I had to do "apt-get install smbfs" and "apt-get install
>smbclient" Search your distribution's package list for "windows network
>client support" and similar keywords).

See, most of my contact with all of this has been via X, I'm not so good
using the CLI it seems.

> From Linux, to access Win2K, I need to use an actual user account and
>password that exist on Win2K. This would also apply if Win2K were part of a
>Windows Domain. In this case, I can access a share called "win2kshare" using
>(beware word-wrap):
>     mount -t smbfs //win2k/win2kshare /mnt/smbmount -o
>Assuming /mnt/smbmount (the "mount point") directory exists, and that I
>don't mis-type anything, I can now access the files on the Win2K system by
>doing "cd /mnt/smbmount".
>Things are a bit different on the Windows 98 machines because I'm using
>SHARE-LEVEL access. The important thing with share-level is that the
>PASSWORD is what's important. The username is merely a formality. So to
>access the "cdrive" share on a Win98 system from Linux, I can do:
>     mount -t smbfs //pc1/cdrive /mnt/smbmount -o
>Note that the username isn't that important. I just tested replacing "bobg"
>with "frodo" in the example above, and it works fine. I just need to get the
>password correct.


>A couple of notes worth remembering:
>1. The mount point must already exist. (/mnt/smbmount in my example)
>2. You cannot mount a share on a mount point if ANOTHER is already using it.
>I either need a separate mount point for each share I want to access, or I
>need to un-mount it between accesses (umount /mnt/smbmount).
>3. You need to be aware of how you set up things under Windows. If you're
>using share-level, the password is what counts. Otherwise, you must use a
>username/password combination that would work to log into the Windows
>machine. While Windows server and share names are (usually) not case
>sensitive, passwords ARE. Keep it simple to start with!
>It is also possible to access Windows printers similarly, although I can't
>say that I've done this recently. It is on my list though. Notes here later
>if anyone's interested.
>If you really want to get perverse, Samba can also be used to share files
>between Linux systems. While this seems counter-intuitive, it DOES spare you
>having to learn ANOTHER set of tools (NFS or similar), and arguably
>simplifies -- thus strengthening -- security (NFS+Samba is more complex than
>just Samba). So, if I've got TWO Linux systems (say another called Linux2)
>and I've created a user "bobg" with a password "linux2pw" via smbpasswd on
>it, I can mount a Samba share via:
>     mount -t smbfs //linux2/linshare /mnt/smbmount -o
>Obviously, there's LOTS more to all this. Read the manpages (man smbmount,
>man mount, man smbclient) for lots more info. There are a lot of layers to
>Windows networking that are usually hidden that you need to understand for
>good results with Samba. However, once you get the basics, it's a very
>powerful toolset. A colleague just had the fun experience of convincing a
>client to forgo the Windows experience altogether, and configured them a
>much more capable Linux server for their small office for a fraction of the
>price. He can do support work via slow dialup links, something handy when
>he's in another town!

Gonna have to do a lot more reading when I can find some time.  I have a
very large comprehension problem with man.  The docs there are hard for me
to understand.  That is one of the reasons I bought the books, thought they
might be easier to understand.  My mistake!

> >  I can't get Red Hat
> > to work either way.  I have several books on Samba, but most of them speak
> > some other language besides common sense!  Can you recommend some good
> > reading for a Linux newbie like me?
>They are NOT a lot of fun to read, but the collection of .txt files that
>comes with Samba actually taught me a LOT about Windows networking,
>including cross-Domain browsing, encryption and other topics that seem to
>mystify a lot of Windows admins. I found they helped explain a lot of things
>that the man pages only touch on. The manpage for smb.conf is pretty good.
>Keep in mind the documentation (esp. encryption stuff) may lag behind the
>latest, so don't change stuff that's working! That's the price we pay for
>being on the edge, but it's also why Microsoft now see's Linux as THE
>threat. :)
>I've looked for good Samba books, but I'm afraid I've figured out all the
>stuff I need to do, so I can't see spending the $40. My usual criteria is to
>think of a problem that I had to solve in the past, then see if the book
>provides a good explanation. Then I look up something I DON'T know the
>answer to and see if their explanation helps. Sorry that's not much help I
>I'll browse my old bookmarks and see if I find anything good. Are there any
>other specific topics that are slowing you down?
> > Perhaps something I can understand?  I
> > thought I had a pretty good general knowledge of computers before I
> > messing around with Linux...  TIA!
>Heh, well you're talking to the guy that found Beaker from the Muppet Show
>inspirational. Just blow lots of stuff up! The only real advice I can offer
>is go slowly, and restart the system (Samba, NOT the entire Linux system)
>when you make changes. Not STRICTLY necessary, but sometimes changes take
>effect slowly.
>Hope this helps, and good luck!
>- Bob
That has been where most of my success has come from also.  I read a little
and then just play around with it until it works.  Trouble is, by then I
don't remember what I did to get it working!  I think I really need to
learn more basic Linux stuff before jumping in to networking.  What I
originally wanted to setup was an old 486 DX4-100 system I have to run
Linux and act as my network fileserver.  I had a couple of those rather
large Seagate 9 Gb SCSI drives in an old tower case.  I couldn't get Linux
to recognize the drives using an ISA SCSI card.  Ended up putting a small
IDE drive in to run Win95B and it accesses the drives just fine.  I have
another PII with a PCI SCSI card and would like to see if I could get a
Linux distro setup to use for the fileserver.  I have a lot of reading to
do between now and then.  Thanks for the help Bob...

Just a message from Doug...
Never forget 9-11-01 and may God Bless America!

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