Syntax of the "top" command is "top <message_#> <no._of-body_lines>"
where number of lines must be > 0.

There's a much friendlier way than telnetting to do household work on
a POP account, it's Martin Goebbel's "webspeak interpreter" NETBASic:
It interprets commands to all sorts of servers from a script language
rather similar to Basic.

I wrote a little script which handles all the POP3 commands; helps me
much with sorting out offending (long, spammy, malformatted, etc.) mails
at the server.

   BTW, "Netmail for DOS v2.12" does have one known bug, which makes it
   hang seldom, irregularly but nevertheless from time to time: When
   a mail item contains a line of exactly 1001 chars. NM gets into a
   loop then and prints endless (well, untill the "disk full") CR_LFs
   into the receive file.
   Occasion is almost exclusively badly formatted M$void "text" without
   the RFC-"recommended" linebreaks in mail bodies.
   (Happened about four to five times over the whole last year to me,
   with a daily intake of between 50 and 150 mails. Author Marc Ressl
   knows about it and has promised to work on it.)

There's one (serious) hitch with NETBAS in that it filters all non-
strict-ASCII, i.e. chars below ASC 32 dec and abouve ASC 128 dec.
Regrettably this makes it inapt for general mails send/fetch routines
with today's (formal) standard of 8-bit transparency of the net.
But it's great to use for such repair jobs and the like.

And there's another thing to be aware of: the _order_ of mails at a
POP3 server may change at every moment, except during the time the
client (MTA) is connected (locked). Thus it's not granted that msg_N
in a subsequent connection to the server is the same msg_n as in an
earlier look-up.

// Heimo Claasen // <hammer at revobild dot net> // Brussels 2002-02-12
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