>    From: "Steven C. Darnold"
> Charles Angelich wrote:
> >
> > Any new developments re: BasicLinux lately?
> As for the future, I'm thinking about basing BasicLinux 2.x
> on Slackware 8.1.  This will vastly increase the available
> software for users.  However, unfortunately, the much larger
> kernel and libraries will obsolete some older PCs.  I'm not
> very happy about this, but it is probably inevitable.  I'm
> still trying to think of ways around this and will probably
> spend the next few months experimenting with some options.
> But don't expect to see anything tangible before Christmas.
Sounds like some interesting developments, Steven. Did you read the link
supplied recently by John Oram - don't remember if it was here or at the
tmonroe list - about someone who had installed a very recent version of
Mandrake (maybe 8.2?) on a 486 and what he had done to optomize
performance? It sounded really interesting and hopeful. It sounded like,
even with a 486, such a late kernel works fine, with the right amount of
tweaking (e.g., rebuilding the kernel without certain, unnecessary
options). I printed out that article and might be able to repost the link,
if anyone's interested. So, when you speak of "obsoleting" some older
PC's by building BL 2.x on Slackware 8.1, do you mean primarily 386's? And
with those "larger libraries", what sorts of hard drive sizes would be
ruled out? Less than 500MB, for example?

Thanks, James

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