On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 02:17:34PM +0000, Alan Mycroft wrote:
> Stefan,
> Sorry to trouble you again; by all means tell me "this is too off-topic
> for you" or "someone else is fixing it" or perhaps point me at
> a suitable place to discuss this (I'm wary of contributing directly
> because I'l not really an OS hacker -- I'm more of a compiler person).
> Anyway you remark:
> > This looks like https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=197858
> > I don't think it is related to suspend at all, it is an Xserver bug.
> Well, yes and no.  I've read the above bugzilla,  and it certainly
> looks like this (I note this thread seems not to be active recently, so
> more input may be welcome?).
> In particular I note the following interaction of X and suspend
> (which I didn't see reported there)
> 1. I power up, and login directly to FVWM2 (i.e. little messing around)
> 2. then powersave events (I use plug/unplug laptop power) then do *not*
>    cause the backlight to be turned on.  So X is working properly.

Check with "acpi_listen" if there really are acpi events before suspending.
Maybe this is not the case (which would again be a different bug :-).

> 3. However, if I then force suspend with /usr/bin/powersave -u
>    and then resume then:
> 4. powersave events now *do* cause the backlight to turn on :-(

Beware: "powersave events" are something completely different then "ACPI
events" i was talking about. I'm assuming you mean "ACPI events" :-)

> So, is this more a matter of the X-server (or some hardware) not
> being reset properly after resume?

Probably not. The X server (probably only the SUSE-patched version) has a
bug, where it listens for ACPI events, to get ACPI "video notifications".
But that code is buggy: it "wakes up" the X server on _any_ ACPI event,
before checking if it even cares about this event.

Now maybe this code is even more buggy than i thought and it actually does
not react to any ACPI event before suspend in some cases.

> [Of course, it may be localised to my hardware, but the bugzilla report
> seems to indicate it's a more general (and unsolved) problem.

I have at least one machine, that wakes up the X server on any event even
before suspend.

> Incidentally, if instead of 3, I do:
> 3'. force hibernate with /usr/bin/powersave -U
> then the same situation occurs
> 4. powersave events now *do* cause the backlight to turn on :-(
> [There seems an additional oddity -- my testing "xset dpms 0 0 5"
> (which I set before set before the suspend/hibernate)
> is still reflected in xset -q
> afterwards, but its effect has been lost by the Xserver.]

Yes. I investigated this, and the piece of code that awakes the X server
is completely different from the DPMS timings etc. It is "halfway through"
the input device handling.
> I suspect the Xserver perhaps needs reloading after suspend/hibernate.

no. You should be able to work around this X server bug by using something

Section "ServerFlags"
  Option       "AllowMouseOpenFail" "on"
  Option       "NoPM" "yes"

in the xorg.conf. I am quite sure this is not related to the s2disk/s2ram
software. And not a kernel problem.

So yes, it is offtopic here, but feel free to open a bug in the Novell
Bugzilla against your SUSE version :-)

> Is there a forum I can contribute positively to this, instead of bugging
> you?


Stefan Seyfried                  \ "I didn't want to write for pay. I
QA / R&D Team Mobile Devices      \ wanted to be paid for what I write."
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nürnberg \                    -- Leonard Cohen

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