the environment is important to protect, considering that we humans are the
ones screwing with it in the first place.  if you can't get a liscence,
produce it illegally, or even better, tell a lot of people about the
benifits.  put out a leaflet as part of your paper on alternative energy,
making the costs most prominent, first monetary then environmentally.
rotting vegetation in an automatic still, lack of really harmful emissions,
the outback is a beautiful place, destroying it with toxic emissions is not
good.  have some children from the cities you happen to be in at the time
wear gas masks for a day, give them a small but appreciated gift when they
return them.  seeing a horde of children in gas masks will create an
impression, especially if you tell them why it is important, children are
very concerned about environmental issues, a few horror stories, they will
never forget, like telling them the truth, that they will soon have to wear
the masks, and if they don't they will die.  even if you don't get the masks
back, they will probably wear them sometimes for fun, when asked they will
tell, and telling what you told them, of course the cheap, cotton filter
type used for autoshop painting.

Gary Holton wrote:

> I live in Wstern Australia and have read with a great deal of
> interest your information on Ethanol and Biodiesel. I am at present
> doing a certificate in renewable energy and found myself drawn to a
> desire to investigate the possibility of producing Ethanol here in
> Australia. Well, after a great deal of research and contacting people
> I have almost come to dead end. It seems to me that the Australian
> Govt is not really keen on producing an alternative to fossil fuel
> due mainly to the fact that they earn over fifty percent of each
> litre of fossil fuel sold in revenue. It would seem that it is
> impossible to get a licence for individual construction of a still
> and very difficult to get a commercial licence. However, I am not
> finished yet and have written to the Minister for the Environment
> here in WA with relavent details and my concerns.(It also seems, that
> if you could get a licence to produce ethanol, they would tax it at a
> rate of A$39/200% proof litre produced + GST !!!)
> Anyway, I hope I haven't bored you with this little story but I just
> wanted to update you with our plight here in Australia and please
> keep up the good work on your site - the world needs people like you.
> All the best
> Gary Holton.
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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