Mr. Jonvee,

    Now here is where I disagree with you... Complex problems do not
always require complex solutions! In fact there is nothing better then
entering into a dispute that appears to have complex issues on either side
and finding a simple answer that no one had bothered to think about. My
solution to this issue does not nearly qualify as such because it ignores
wants and desires of people with regards to their quality of life. It also
could be deemed "hard on the planet" in other ways despite the lack of
pollution. Of course a majority of the electric power out here where I live
is from Hydro-Electric, which if not built and used properly seems to be
hard on the migrating fish. perhaps some of you efficiency spouting experts
can tell us what efficiency a hydro-electric Dam is..  Don't forget to
in the Head(in feet) and the Turbine design into your percentages.

The real solution to the whole transportation pollution issue is of course
to walk!
All those feet will probably trample the planet flat and devoid of any
in only a few years but hey we will still have our OZONE and that is the
important thing right?

I apologize if I offend anybody, I just been stuck home with the flu all
week and it
has a tendency to make me cranky.

Back to my EV where was I?


----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: EVs

> All,
> Here's a quote which I have cherished over the years. I use it all
> the time when working with computer software developers.
> "There are no simple solutions to complex problems only simple minded
> ones."
> Systems theory has shown that the complexity of the problem will
> require an equal or greater complexity for the solution. Therefore,
> these problems will require multiple solutions (EV, biod, ethanol,
> etc.) There is NO silver bullet!
> How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
> Keep up the good work! Given enough time the 500 of us can make a
> change for the better. Might want to read "The Tipping Point" by
> Malcolm Gladwell, ISBN 0-316-31696-2. Get a recylced copy from
> or
> JV
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