> > Scott Nikolai

Jerry and All

    Great to hear from someone on the same page. We are definitely gonna
have to delve deeper into all of this.
However there is one point about the EV's that I'd like to point out ( I do
agree "If you Want one"). In THEORY The EV's are SUPPOSED to be charged at
night during off peak hours. When one takes into account the average
Americans commute the range gets a little tight for most people. That, along
with battery life is tremendously extended if the full range is not utilized
all the time. Then one biggy, Human nature dictates that even the
enviromentally minded American don't appreciate the sluggish performance
towards the end of the battery cycle and of course, if you can charge an EV
at night on your dime or on the company's dime during the day. I'm bettin
that most of the EV buyers have not figured on spending much out of their
own pocket to charge their EV's. Now Let's get to the good stuff.
    I'm planning on using wood Gasifier technology ( borrowed from the Stone
Age I think ), which you probably figured out already. I plan to add quite a
bit of contemporary technology and make it feasible. If I'm not mistaken,
There's not a whole lot of ground between gasifying wood and distilling
wood. I must admit that I have been blissfully ignorant to wood distillation
and the fact that it was used to power farm equipment ( indirectly of
course ).
    I am located in Central Wisconsin where we have a few open minded State
and Utility officials that are actually on board this notion of rural
electric generation from renwable sources.
     I have also amassed quite a collection of good hunting grounds for
"Obsolete Equipment ". There are still a lot of old farmers that have
discoverd the internet in a quest to restore there vintage equipment. Until
now, I hadn't realized what a resource they could be.
    As for the Gasifying, I see three big problems with that older
technology. I believe modern technology has come to the rescue but feel free
to enlighten me if I'm wrong or have over looked a few.

    1. Awfully labor intensive to process the wood into suitable blocks.
    2. A real Pain in the neck to add fuel.
    3. No viable way to store or compress the gas.

    I think we can all agree that polution is not a viable concern, and that
most farms, have most of the equipment and fuel to keep things running

    Back to your garbage deal in Fla. Are you aware of the gallant attempts
to produce Ethanol from garbage??
    And last but not least, given the interest in a cheap methanol source
over the last couple of weeks. We might actually be able to overwelm the
Feel free correct me. I have a bullet proof ego being a Goat Dairy Farmer in


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