My good People
    Since we seem a bit  worked up about EV's, I might as well through my
two cents in. The problem I see about EV's is that they seem to stress an
already tired infrastructure. California anyone?? I realize that there are
regulation issues involved but doesn't it really boil down to, Nobody wants
a powerplant or highline tower in their backyard!!
    Wouldn't it be sensible to stretch the infrastructure that is already in
place by having small 60-100kw powerplants on farms running off renewable
energy. I can just see the flurry of calculations coming now abaout how many
this would take to make a significant difference.
    The winning answer is 1. One such installation will save my farm from
inevitable finnacial ruin and provide power to  10-15 homes. Sorry,
Biodiesel isn't the fuel source. But it will run my wood processing

Scott Nikolai

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