Well said Todd

Another conservative old fart

-----Original Message-----
From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 12:33 AM
Subject: Jackasses was Re: [biofuel] Water vs Energy Importance

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Water vs Energy Importance

> To whomever this may concern
> why do I get the feeling that this forum is an exchange of ideas for a
> of socialists, and communists?

I don't know.

As a reasonably conservative individual, with a minor spiritual bent, why do
I get the feeling that you're somewhat inconsiderate, thoughtless, near
sighted and rude?

Frankly, I would say that your foibles are abundantly more apparent than
what you attribute to those you insult.

Tell you what. Why don't a few of us chip in and buy you the ticket to
Prince William Sound, as long as you agree to stay there for one full year,
constantly insulting the fisherman there about their long held beliefs of
responsible stewardship of resources, inclusive of oil that has destroyed
their livelihood. Throw in a few more obnoxious comments about how their
like minded beliefs are communistic or socialistic and you'll soon find
there to be no need for an effigy at the next solstice party.

If you make it out alive (although your remarks don't indicate that you have
much capacity to co-exist), please allow me to be the first to greet you at
the aeropuerto. You will be so kind as to hold my bible for a moment while I
slap you upside the head a dozen times. yes?

It would only be an anger akin to what Hesus had for the money changers.
Justifiable, but short of homicide.

On further thought, I believe we should all refrain from any action until
you're old enough to be out of your training pants.

Just a conservative, reasonably patriotic old fart who happens to keep his
eyes open and is tired of people bullshitting him...


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