Hear hear Gerry, I give 100 out of 100 and to the poor misguided bloke who
wrote in about communism etc. I suggest he needs to take his blinkers off.


-----Original Message-----
From: jerry dycus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 18 May 2001 9:40 PM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Water vs Energy Importance

      Hi All,

> > To whomever this may concern
> > why do I get the feeling that this forum is an
> exchange of ideas for a bunch
> > of socialists, and communists?
     Because you don't know much and need to open your
      We are not going to keep being screwed by big
oil or coal, we know there are better ways like
biomass, solar, Nuke done right, wind and non dam
tidal/ river power.
     The truth is almost every home has plenty of
energy delivered right to it by solar/ wind to supply
it's , it's peoples and their transport needs. We
should put our money there to make jobs here, true
national energy security rather than dependence on
opec/ oilies and a bad depression in 5 to 10 years
like Bush is leading us to now.
     We like to be independent of those with their
hands in our pockets by not needing them.
     All isms taken to their end are fatal. What we
need is a working blend of capitalism, democracy,
socialism with respect for human rights and keeping
our planet healthy so we can be healthy too.
   That's true conservatism unlike what Bush is trying
to do which is corporate welfare of the worst kind. I
backed throwing the welfare cheats off now it's time
to do the same for the corporate version. If they did
RE would be viable right away without the subidies
that corporation get now.
     I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberial
and really don't like either party.  Ventrua is
starting to look good now.
     No one believes in communism anymore, not even
communist. Stop fighting that war, it's over, they
killed themselves.
     Remember moderation in all things.
                        jerry dycus

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