        Thanks for your nice e-mail. Have just sent you an e-mail through
the n.g answering your toilet roll query. In my opinion these filters should
be fitted to every vehicle by law from an enviromental aspect as they help
cut down exhaust emmissions but as I have said before you have about  as
much chance, because of the entrenched lobbies, of getting this past as the
Pope has of converting the Roman Catholic Church to Buddhism. If you want to
learn more and you havnt already done so have a look at both Keiths and
Steves sites. They are constantly updating them and in my opinion do an
excellent job.
B.r., David

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Water vs Energy Importance

> David,
> I was  a member some time ago, and unsubscribe because I went on leave,
> re-subscribed when I returned and thought I had subscribed to the wrong
> group!!
> David, thanks for your time, I appreciate it
> John

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