Why you should fit a MIL-MAC in addition to your standard Full Flow Oil Filter

    Full Flow Filter                                            MIL-MAC By-pass 
Oil Filter

(Uses SURFACE filtration                                        (Uses DEPTH 
   Uses perforated membranes which can                 Universally recognized 
as the most 
   be damaged or clogged up with                             efficient method.
   large particles.                                                        Uses 
full depth filtration which only 
  allows thoroughly cleaned oil to    
  come out the other side. 
   Membrane only 1/32" (=0.8mm) or less                 Filter material 4" 
(100mm +) or  
   in thickness.                                                           more 
in thickness.
 130 x more surface filtration.__________  
(Uses no additional filtering.                                    (Works in 
addition to the standard 
  factory full flow filter.________________
(Designed to pass all the volume of oil in                (Designed to 
thoroughly filter only 10%  
   1 minute or under.                                                  volume 
in the same time.____________
(Only traps large particles.                                       (Traps all 
   (At very best removes particles only                    (At very best 
removes all particles as              
   as low as 10 micron. (nominal rating)                     low as 0.1 micron 
and all above. 
 (100 times better than any full flow).
  (At best removes particles 15 micron                    (At best removes the 
majority of 
  and above. (nominal rating)                                    particles 
between 0.1 and 1 micron
 and all above 1 micron. 
 (150 times at best, to 15 times better ).                                 
  (Realistically removes particles 25                        (Realistically 
removes all particles   
  micron and above and has difficulty                      above 1 micron. 
  removing those under.  (Still nominal                    (still 25 times 
better at worst and 
  rating although a few are absolute).                      10 times better at 
very worst)._________
(Can become clogged up and fail to                       (Can also become 
clogged up at surface           
operate properly if oil is exceptionally                      if oil is 
exceptionally dirty but continues to dirty.                                     
                                    operate as surface contamination is 
 pushed a small way into the filter and will 
normally last its full allotted mileage span 
with no difficulty.____________________
(If fully clogged up or in cold weather                     (If fully clogged 
up switches over to full  
opens a by-pass valve that allows oil to                  flow filter so oil 
continues to be filtered at  
pass on the basis that dirty oil is better                   all times even if 
than no oil at all. This invariably causes                  While operational 
even if only partially still
damage and can drastically reduce                         removes all particles.
normal expected engine life.___________________________________________________
(Does not remove the vast majority  of                   (Removes all particles 
above 1 micron                                                                 
particles between 5-15 micron which                      and especially  all 
those between 5-15 
cause the majority of wear in an engine.                 micron.  
(Allows virtually  all the  particles                           (Removes all 
particles above 1 micron between 5 -15 micron to continue to                    
  generally as quickly as they are created 
circulate causing most of the wear and                  thus eliminating wear 
and tear.

(Gives normal expected life which with                  (Gives greatly extended 
operational life of  
planned obsolescence is becoming                        the engine which  
allows it to last the life   
shorter and shorter.                                                 of the 
vehicle and which after all is the                                              
dearest component of the vehicle.______
 Residual value of vehicle is normally                     (At least double the 
life guaranteed.
 related to condition of motor                                  (If installed 
and maintained properly will 
give 4 to 5 times the life.______________ 

(Largely a protective device only today                  (An old technology 
that has not been 
which removes large particles and pieces              superceded or surpassed 
and that has 
of metal both of which can cause major                 stood the test of time 
wherever it has been 
damage if left                                                          
installed and maintained properly.
An inferior design with planned                              Today better made 
with the advances in     
obsolescence built in that continues to                   modern manufacturing 
be used with very slow improvement  as it              Result: superior 
filtration with superior 
looks after the interests of engine and                    engine life.
vehicle manufacturers who want to sell 
new  engines, vehicles, and spare parts 
and oil companies who want to sell 

Oil and filter changes: 

(Average life = 6 months or 10,000 km.                 (Average life = 
indefinite (life of vehicle)
                        filter roll every 5000km
(Oil and Filter change = all of oil (4-5 L av)            (Oil and Filter 
change = only 1 litre of oil
 +expensive  filter          ($20 +)                              + inexpensive 
filter      ($2) =approx.10%
(Average cost = $80-                                              (Average cost 
= $5-$8   Max cost = $10
                  1/15th to 1/10th 
ie. 10 to 15 x more oil changes  
achievable for the same cost.
(Costs: the maximum for Oil & Filter                      (Saves 80% on Oil 
cost & 90% on Filter_.

Other Factors:
(Uses full pressure at all times which                     (Uses less pressure 
ands drops the 
only allows screening to occur but which                velocity by means of a 
restrictive  orifice
can also damage openings in membrane               which allows proper and easy 
by forcing slightly oversized particles                      to occur leaving 
all contamination and 
through the openings continuing to                         particles behind 
abrade and open them up wider._______________________________________________   
(Leaves particles, sludge, and other                      (All particles and 
contaminants removed 
contaminants behind when both oil and                 with filter when changed.
filter are changed.___________________________________________________________
(Allows small particles and contaminants              (Removes all particles 
virtually as they are to continue to circulate.                                 
          created leaving oil analytically clean.____
(Adds to the consumption of non renewable         (Enviromentally friendly.     
(Cannot easily be ascertained if filter is                 (Can easily be 
ascertained that filter is
working properly or if fully operational. If                working properly by 
placing hand on 
filter is hot does not imply it is working.                  canister after 5 
minutes of operation.
If canister is hot filter is working properly._

(When engine is not operational allows dirt,          (As all particles and 
contaminants are  
iron particles, and other contaminants to                removed as they are 
created and oil 
sink and settle in bottom of sump, and to               remains analytically 
clean there is nothing  
coat interior walls and passageways.                     to 
(Dirty oil means more wear and less                      (Clean oil means less 
wear and greater  
compression, a poorer running engine,                  compression, a better 
running engine,  lesser reliability and shorter engine life                   
greater reliability and longer engine life.

(Nominal rating : Manufacturers rating which has no bearing in reality and can 
vary from manufacturer to manufacturer being generally grossly overstated. 
Generally implies filter can remove some particles or small % down to that 
level, certainly not all.
(Absolute rating : Always higher than nominal rating and only one of these two 
that has any real meaning. Eg. Nominal ratings of 10 to 15 micron always mean 
Absolute of 30 to 40 micron, although this has dropped back a bit  with the 
latest improvements in filter technology  with the better quality dearer 
filters, though not as much as manufacturers would have us believe. Filter 
removes particles down to the stated level and theoretically  all above.
(Beta Ratio tests:  A multi-pass test, adapted to lube oil, slowly being phased 
in to replace the old unreliable micron tests over the next ten years or so, 
and adopted by governing bodies such as SAE, ANSI, NFPA, and the ISO.  Among 
its advantages as opposed to the deficiencies of micron ratings are the 
1)  Repeatability. 
2)  True indicator of filter efficiency because entire filter is tested not 
just a sheet of filter material.
3)  Test accounts for what happens to a filter over time.

* Studies by Cummins Technical Center  (part of Cummins Engine Company Ltd, the 
largest truck engine manufacturer in the world() showed that wear can be 
reduced by up to 91% as a result of using a bypass filter in combination with 
the full flow filter.
The same studies also showed that the older a engine gets the more carbon must 
be removed and that this is when the engine needs the added protection the 
most. Cummins naturally recommend and advise the fitting of a by-pass filter in 
addition to the full flow filter.
(Amongst those truck manufacturers using Cummins engines are Kenworth, 
Freightliner, Volvo, Daf, International, Ford, Western Star, ERF, Foden, and 

NOTE: If a filter is unable to remove solid contaminants below 15 micron, the 
particles will form a cluster (agglutinate), become too heavy for suspension 
and settle out as sludge and varnish.  Unless filtered out right here or 
removed immediately by changing the oil full scale wear and tear begins 
straight away. 

Cummins Statements:
"Maximum engine life is dependent on the proper use of full-flow and by-pass 
filters. By-pass filters are specified on all turbocharged engines and 
recommended for naturally aspirated engines as well."
" The additive package has no protection from abrasive contaminants. Most of 
these contaminants are removed from the oil by the filtration system"   


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