apparently, there is no science to back up the claims of the promoters of
this "technology".

Steve Spence
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----- Original Message -----
From: "David Sanz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] magnetic savings / alky + dyno / hard water /
<snipping >

I use permanent magnets on fuel lines and air intake in my diesel,
but... aparently nothing happens.
It's only my opinion.


Uso imanes permanentes en las l’neas de fuel y en la toma de admisi—n de
mi diesel, pero... aparentemente no mejora nada.
Es s—lo mi opini—n.


Dick Carlstein wrote:

>> From: Warren Rekow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money
>> I've heard stories about putting magnets on gas lines to improve fuel
>> mileage for years.... Dick, perhaps magnets attached to the tubing might
> increase the
>> effectiveness of foggers?
> *good post warren !! this magnet thing either works, or else  is just more
> urban legend. both ways, it shouldn't be hard to check out, like checking
> out novak's baby was easy.
> *will come up with a test routine, and post when i have my numbers in,
> like the fogger.
> *some questions <snipped> into the article :
>> ...Later, I discovered these devices contained simple magnets with
>> the south-seeking poles directed inward....
> *besides floating one of them, and then comparing, is there some other
> method for determining a magnet's south that i am unaware of, or have
> forgotten ?
>> The magnets used are fairly strong rare-earth strontium ferroxide ceramic
>> magnets which will pinch your fingers (Ouch!) if you are not careful, and
>> four of them are enough for a single fuel-line for one car.  Any similar
>> strong magnet will work....
> *such as speaker magnets ? how do i determine if a magnet is strong enough
> for this application ?
>> Like the orgone accumulator, it is too simple for most people to
> believe...
> *i know for a fact that something very similar to an 'orgone accumulator'
> works just fine, and does generate fuel savings at a reasonable cost. this
> lends credibility to this gent's thesis.
>> You can get the magnets at any Radio Shack...
> *it would sure help to have a rs cat # or something more specific to go
> any chance of obtaining this ? rs is such a comfy one-stop place for all
> these odds and ends, i find...
>> ...Natural Energy Works has been selling
>> these simple strong magnets for years, available in sets of 10 for $10
> plus
>> $7 USA-Canada shipping, along with a little book on the subject for
> $12.95.
>> The same effect works also on your propane or natural gas stove or
> furnace,
>> when magnets are added to the feed lines just before the burners or
>> combustion chambers.
> *what shape and size are the magnets n.e.w. sells ? 12.95 for a booklet on
> why and how it works sounds a bit steep to me. thoughts on this ?
> *notice closeness to entry point is invariably stressed. is 'the closer
> better', or will 'close enough' do ?
> *nice project for anybody willing to keep statistically significant tabs
> fuel use. i for one will fit it into one of my ongoing projects, asap.
> *who knows, 7-11 % from the fogger, + 5-15 % from the magnets, plus a bit
> meth in the gasoline, and maybe an h generator, and we might be looking at
> some significant savings here. i've got the fogger down pat, and am
> there with the h generator, so all i need to do now is mix some meth into
> the gas, grab some magnets and run...
> *life is only bearable when dreams egg you on, methinks...
> My death and I play daily games,
> whence she reminds me of herself,
> whilst I keep focused on my elusive quest,
> paying but scant attention to her ways,
> too busy with dreams I need to claim,
> before time comes for our embrace.
> *thanks for helping me enlarge the scope of my dreaming, warren.
> *and pls excuse myn OT jingle...
>> From: "Paul Gobert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: water + alky / dino-svo + alky / auto tranny + svo / biod +
> svo
>> Apace Technology in Australia developed an emulsifier that enabled the
>> mixing of ethanol with dinodiesel. They were active some 20 years ago but
>> don't know where it went from there.
> *thanks for the info paul. i have it that benzene will allow a certain
> ammount of water contaminated ethanol to mix with gasoline, but have yet
> try this. what about meth/dyno ? the asuncion, paraguay municipality at
> point was going to make 10% anhidrous (absolute) ethanol content mandatory
> in dyno used in buses and such, but the project flopped due to truck/bus
> owner's resistance. maybe the old rubber controversy...??
> (bobeda, any chance you could stop lurking and explain the eth/dyno
> in asuncion ?)(:-D)
>> From: Jeremy Shuey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money
>> I do know that the magnets work on the water.  We have
>> extremely hard water here in my part of PA, with the
>> limestone and all, and the magnets actually make the
>> water a whole lot more soft....
> *yes, i can corroborate that. we also have hard water in colonia, uruguay,
> where i farm trees and do research on alternative energies, and a
> installed a unit. it works fine except it requires periodic cleaning of
> gunk the magnets somehow retain. my neighbour being a bit comfy gave up
> after half a dozen cleanings. will check back with him and post a full
> description in a fortnight or so.
> -----------------------------------------
> *last but not least, how can we incentivate <snipping> amongst honorable
> list members ? it is a drag to read a two line answer, or comment, and
> all of the original thread(s) attached, requiring tedious, wasteful
> scrolling. here we're discussing fuel alternatives, and savings, and
> in general, and we're unable to be thrifty and edit our answers. time
> scrolling is a waste of everybody's time, and i don't think we have the
> right to subject people to this. so what say we do a bit of <snipping> and
> save everybody some time ? huh ?
> cheers, dick.
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