I have a couple of cents to add to this:

As I understand some of it, one of the big problems with global warming is
the increase in fresh water into the oceans from increased rainfall and the
melting of the polar ice caps.  The network of currents in the oceans have a
great effect on climate.  These currents are primarily driven by an oceanic
pump created from the sinking of the salt water into the depths of the
ocean.  This continuous cycle not only acts as a heat exchange mechanism by
bringing cold water to warm but also brings up the nutrient rich material
found mostly in the deep.  As any fisherman knows, that's where you catch
the tuna.  Fresh water stops this pump simply by diluting the salt water!!!

Yes, it is all theory but whether or not something's going to happen is not
the point.  We can only try to predict the possibilities.   I don't think
anyone would deny that we, as a race, are and have changed the world
irreparably for good or for bad.

There is evidence that there is a problem and I, for one, can't take the
chance that I might hand over this world in worse shape than I got it.  I
might have little effect, but I CAN get active.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 1:58 AM
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Digest Number 459

Good afternoon Kirk,

A few commments:

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The major source of influence is the output of the sun.

if you mean that the only source of input energy to the earth is the
sun, then yes, I agree. But if you're somehow trying to rule out the
constituent makeup of the atmosphere as having much to do with
anything I am baffled as to your reasoning.

> Also weather does not constitute climate change.
I'm not sure what you mean by this either.

> If the atmosphere was an Olympic size swimming pool full of vodka
> the fluorocarbon concentration would be the same as taking an
> eyedropper and adding a drop of Vermouth.
> Mighty dry Martini.

Ok, first of all, a real martini is made with gin, not vodka.
Second, WOAH slow down and be careful about your metaphores. I know
you've mostly been making refference to the hole in the Ozone, but
I've read other's comments here on the general topic of global climate
change and wanted to throw out a few considerations to illustrate that
what you are trying to imply is a gross oversimplification. CO2 is one
of the most commonly discussed greenhouse gases. It has the capacity
to capture and store a large amount of IR radiation and is one of the
gasses in our atmosphere which keeps us from freezing to death.
Methane, partly because of its greater structural complexity, has
something like an order of magnitude or more capacity for storing IR
radiation( as in your sheep david really MAY be the problem, but more
likely it's all the beef we idiot yanks eat). Hydroflourocarbons have
something like two orders of magnitude more capacity. I.E. much
smaller quantities have much higher capacity for energy storage. I am
not a climate scientist and am not aware of what the other factors are
which play a part in our planets equilibrium. I am, however, quite
aware that there are many many many factors and that these things are
debated hotly. I know for a fact that making oversimplified metaphores
never helps, especially when used to attempt to contradict widely held
beliefs in the scientific community.

> If you read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx you see elimination
> private property as one of the planks.
> Eco-crises is being promoted as a vehicle to that end.
> Hysteria is being used as a motivational tool.
> Kirk
 I'm sorry,  I missed that. was that hysteria over ecological problems
being used to shove communism down our throats, or hysteria over
communism being used to justify selfishness and craming of heads in
the sand?

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