Think tank director Cole points to one solution that few consider: a 
new generation of cleaner diesel engines.

"A Chevrolet Suburban with a diesel engine would get 30% better fuel 
economy and produce 30% less carbon dioxide," he said. "But 
California doesn't like diesels." 

July 26, 2002

Car Makers to Challenge State's New Emissions Law
  Autos: Manufacturers say they are committed to vehicles that emit 
fewer greenhouse gases--but at what they call a more realistic pace.


DETROIT -- Auto makers say they plan to take California's new 
emissions law to court and stop it in its tracks, much as the 
industry did in derailing the state's attempt to mandate 
zero-emission vehicles.

The industry acknowledges that putting up a fight could create a 
public opinion backlash, but the manufacturers say they remain 
committed to introducing vehicles that emit fewer greenhouses gases 
and pollutants and get better mileage--just at a more realistic pace.

"We're very confident the court will recognize that California is 
impinging on federal jurisdiction," said Eron Shosteck, spokesman for 
the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the main industry trade 
group. "The state cannot set its own fuel-economy standards."

Gov. Gray Davis on Monday signed the nation's first bill to fight 
global warming by restricting emissions of carbon dioxide and other 
so-called greenhouse gases. Although the bill does not spe- cifically 
call for increased fuel economy, the auto industry sees it as a 
thinly disguised attempt to legislate more miles per gallon.

"By virtue of physics, it can't be anything else," Shosteck said. 
"The only way to produce less carbon dioxide is to combust less fuel. 
There's no device you can bolt onto a car that will do it."

Auto makers have been incrementally reducing emissions and boosting 
mileage with new engines such as those with variable valve timing and 
displacement on demand, which shuts down cylinders when not needed, 
and with hybrid vehicles that combine gasoline engines and electric 

Industry executives and outside experts agree that the ultimate 
solution is fuel cells, which turn hydrogen into electricity while 
producing water as a byproduct. But they also say the legislation's 
requirement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2009 is asking too 
much too soon of fuel cells, given the technology and its cost.

"I'm very optimistic of the future of fuel cells, but when you look 
at 2009, there's not a chance," said David Cole, director of the 
Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich. "People need to 
understand that the state of engine technology is based on a hundred 
years of work. The easy and inexpensive cards have already been 

Dieter Zetsche, chief executive of DaimlerChysler's Chrysler Group, 
said he supports improved fuel economy but not when mandated by the 

"We think it's important to do car by car and truck by truck. We 
don't think it's the best idea to force customers into a mix of cars 
the customer wouldn't choose himself," Zetsche said Thursday.

"Of course, we are working to improve fuel economy ... but there are 
physical issues. The weight and performance of the vehicle have an 
impact, so if you want to reduce carbon dioxide, you can take certain 
safety [features] and weight out, and the car has reduced emissions 

Even Honda Motor Co., which Wednesday won the first state and federal 
government certification to sell a fuel-cell car in the U.S., warned 
that the technology for mass production would be far from ready in 
six or seven years.

"Fuel cells are at least 10 years off, and easily 20 years," said Art 
Garner, a spokesman for Torrance-based American Honda Motor Co.

Honda, the only major manufacturer not in the alliance, has not 
decided whether it will join the lawsuit.

Certification for the Honda FCX paves the way for the Japanese auto 
maker to begin leasing the two-door, four-passenger fuel-cell vehicle 
to government and institutions by the end of the year. It gets the 
equivalent of 50 miles per gallon, making it one of the most 
fuel-efficient cars available. The problem is it's not the type of 
vehicle most people seek.

"There are 50 different models that get 30 miles per gallon or 
better, and very few people buy them," said Shosteck of the auto 
alliance. "We make plenty of fuel- efficient cars. The problem is 
that most Americans with work or family transportation needs want 
something more versatile and powerful."

That's part of the argument in support of the alliance's planned 
lawsuit: The majority of Americans buy light trucks--pickups, sport 
utility vehicles and minivans--and the new law would require smaller 
vehicles that burn less fuel, limiting Californians' choices.

The auto makers are likely to prevail in their lawsuit, said Chris 
Struve of Fitch Ratings. It is consumers, he said, who are driving 
the trend toward bigger, gas- guzzling trucks because they "can no 
longer find a car that comfortably seats a family of four."

The thrust of the industry's planned response is its claim that 
California acted illegally in attempting to set fuel-economy 
standards, a task that is the domain of the federal government. 
California is the only state with power to set its own vehicle 
pollution standards, but the industry maintains that carbon dioxide 
does not fall under that authority.

The law, hailed by environmental groups, requires an unspecified 
reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases by the 2009 model year. 
The state Air Resources Board is to determine the extent of emission 
reduction by 2005.

But the Washington-based alliance, made up of 13 auto makers that 
sell cars and trucks in the U.S., says it is optimistic about the 
lawsuit because the industry's legal and lobbying efforts recently 
have thwarted other initiatives.

Earlier this year, an attempt in Congress to increase average fuel 
economy standards for cars and trucks was defeated. Last month, a 
California court enjoined the state's mandate that would have 
required a certain number of zero-emission vehicles by the 2003 model 

Think tank director Cole points to one solution that few consider: a 
new generation of cleaner diesel engines.

"A Chevrolet Suburban with a diesel engine would get 30% better fuel 
economy and produce 30% less carbon dioxide," he said. "But 
California doesn't like diesels."

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