I'm afraid I have to disagree with you Damian.

You see, I'm an American.  I've lived all my life as an American.  I  grew
up .. worshiping America ... singing the praises of belonging to the country
... who does everything with the (let's sing it) "arm of God ... truth and

You see, I started like everyone else.  Every other American, that is.

Then, I started to study.   I asked questions ...even so-called "dangerous"
questions.  "This is America" ... I thought ... "where you're SUPPOSED  to
ask questions ... and open up your mind".  So I did .... ask ... and study.

Perhaps then ... perhaps I did the WRONG thing then huh??  I asked "too many
questions" ... I "studied TOO much".  I say that with regret in my voice ...
because my studies ... and my questions ... have revealed to me .. a side of
"America" ... perhaps I never wanted to see.  A "shocking" side .... to a
country I grew up ... worshiping so much.


The question then becomes ... what has Curtis discovered.

Well, to put it bluntly, we live in a "Matrix" ... if you've ever seen the
Keanu Reeves movie.   Or if not ... we live in a "Holodeck" ... if you're a
Star Trek ( The Next Generation) Fan.

That is the best way I can see putting it.  That yes ... within the Matrix
... or Holodeck ... yes, we live a quote/unquote "wonderful"  life.  We go
to movies, football game, rock concerts, and yes, we go to work.   We do so
wonderfully ... with so much "FREEDOM" .... but only within the realm of a
"bubble".  Only within a hunky-dory fantasy world .... created by .. I've
gotta admit ... pretty crafty people.

But venture outside that "bubble" ... as I have risked doing ... as one sees
quite a different picture.  I used to wonder, "Why all my money, labor, and
power .. was being sucked away ... as if used by some power-that-be".   Now
I know.    Fly in a space shuttle ... see the "global perspective" ... and I
have found that I am nothing more than a ROW-ER ... of a big gallion ship
like seen on the movie "Ben Hur" with Charleston Heston.  That myself ..
along with millions of other American Taxpayers and Corporate supporters
.... supply oar-power to millions of rowing oars.    Steered and Commanded
by Corporate as well as Government leaders.

This Gallion Ship ... like the one seen on "Ben Hur"..... bashes and sinks
.... other ships (I'm sorry, countries and peoples).  For the purpose of
conquest and the pillaging their people and resources.   Like some game of
... "he who dies with the most toys wins".  You've heard of that expression.

That is what I've found.   By asking too many stupid questions .. by
studying too many censored books that perhaps I should've not read.  That is
what I've found.

So the question then becomes ... so what will Curtis now DO about this
newfound information??   Well, I know I cannot easily escape this big
Gallion that I've found myself in .... but I CAN do this.  Refuse to row my
oar.   Stop supplying MY share of energy propelling this juggernaunt that
this Country has become.

That's why I wholeheartedly support BioFuels.   That's why I wholeheartedly
support (as Keith would call it) "village level decentralized energy
production".  That's why I want to someday make my own BioDiesel.  Real

I may not change the world ... let alone this Country ... but I can do my
teeny tiny little part ...of a possible solution.

I urge all Americans reading my post ... to take the time.   And risk
venturing outside this Holodecky-Matrix which we collectively are in ....
and explore.  Don't take my word for it.   Explore .. and gain your own
testimony of all of what I have said above.  I warn you, you may not like
what you find.  But I promise you ... it will be very enlightening.

Thank you for reading my (sorry) "stupidly long" post.


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----- Original Message -----
From: Damian J. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


If it is a government of the people, by the people, for the people, then it
is a democracy. A society in which the people do not have the option to
change their government if they don't like it is not a democracy. What
democracies are there in the Middle East? I would count Israel and Turkey,
but the others are for the most part desert satrapies.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to disagree with you.
Ah, the joys of free speech! ;-)

By the way, what did you think of George Bush's proposal yesterday to invest
$1.2 billion towards research in developing a hydrogen powered car? That
would not be biofuel, but it would be renewable and not make our societies
dependent on corrupt dictatorships. I would like to see us develop nuclear
fusion power, such as our sun runs on. It has run for billions of years on
the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. In that case, energy would
become unbelievably cheap, and we could forget about this scarcity mentality
that requires us to conserve energy. It is like conserving air! Free energy
occurs in abundance in nature, and we need to learn to harness it, or
imitate it.

One question of economic significance would be how to generate hydrogen

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