Well, let's keep an eye on this.   The Chinese are some of the only ones who
seem able or willing, these days, to stand against the rotten machinations of
the worldwide petroleum industry against uninhibited electric vehicle battery

Here in the States, we've seen 

The mysterious disappearance of some of the best batteries that were being used
to make EV drag racers faster than some ICE drag racers.  

The mysterious 20 years it has taken to develop good NiMH battery packs for EVs
Hybrids, where first the patent-holding company was controlled by GM and now by
Chevron-Texaco, in both cases not only dragging their feet in an historic
performance of corporate nonsense, but also using their patent rights seemingly
to make certain that the batteries took their time coming on the world markets.
To this day Matsushita and Toyota are being sued.  To this day we do not seem to
have the good batteries for EVs as available and competitive as we might like.

The recent emergence of Lithium-based research and the (to me, not surprising)
recent insinuation of 3M into the most high-profile effort.  I see this as a
possible effort to further stifle the speed with which such batteries will
really be brought to the market.  Virtually every EV fan I talk to recognizes
China as an important player in alt-fuels and EVs.  My own opinion is that I
fear (as a fan of the American Economy staying on its feet) that the Chinese
have a very valid point when they predict bad things for the future of the
American Economy.  I see a possible switch of alt-fuel-vehicle-production going
on, to China, in the near future, if the American Unions or someone doesn't step
up and remind Detroit Managers and others to be responsive to consumer demand.

On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 02:11:30 -0800, you wrote:

>Before we can store electricity in Hydrogen or Compressed air forms outside
>the lab!
>There is a new type of Lead-Vitriol gel-sealed battery!
>Replacing the liquid Sulfur Acid with Colloidal Vitriol Acid.
>This acid won't form lamination like sulfur acid which causes the cells to
>close out.  Longer life(450 recharges than 300 for Lead Acid) and low
>self-discharge rate(2% per month vs. 1% per day).
>Charging and discharging to full capacity faster!  Colloidal Acid has good
>heat dissipation, so no internal short circuit to interrupt power flow!
>Invented by German, improved in China.  Chinese government is promoting this
>battery to replace Lead Acid
>Battery all over China.
>Oxide Battery may start this OEM battery soon!

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