Keith Addison wrote:

>Hi John and Jon
>>Hi Jon-
>>Welcome. With regard to the modification issue, it really breaks down to
>>a philosophical, moral, economic and technical choice whether you want
>>to run SVO (straight veg. oil) or Biodiesel.
>Three choices
>1. Mixing it
>2. Straight vegetable oil
>3. Biodiesel
>>Be aware there are strong
>>opinions on both sides that can become rather heated in some cases. Even
>>thought this list is technically a biofuel list, ethanol and biogas are
>>rarely mentioned, making this a de facto BD/SVO list.
>I don't agree with that at all. Neither does the archives:
>Ethanol - 3,433 hits
>Biogas or methane - 757 hits
>Biomass - 837 hits
I stand by my statement; I said rare, not nonexistant. Would you feel 
more confortable had I said uncommon?

The Archives pull up 6119 hits for biodiesel, suggesting BD is discussed 
8 times as much as biogas and 7 times as much a biomass.

With regard to ethanol, the fault is mine for not being more clear, I 
meant discussion of ethanol as a straight fuel rather than as a feed 
stock in BD production. Of those 3400 hits for ethanol, how many are in 
the context of making biodiesel? I'd suspect a majority but am unable to 
verify this in the archive. I tried searching +ethanol -biodiesel but it 
didn't work correctly.

>Many other biofuels topics also regularly discussed. This is a 
>general biofuels discussion list. But - it's a great place for 
>biodiesel too!
>>Places you should definitely check out are and
>> TDIclub just added a biodiesel forum
>>( although some
>>BD stuff still ends up in the Fuels&Lubricants forum.
>>Frankly, I think is the single best starting point for
>>a US novice. Keith's site is an excellent,
>>excellent resource but it can be a little overwhelming at first.
>Well, thankyou! But, overwhelming?
>Make your own biodiesel:
>Where do I start?
>What's next?
>And so on. What could be simpler? I mean it - if you think it could 
>be simpler, please tell me how.
Well, I say overwhelming because you have so much information that it 
can be hard to find at times. This is due in part to the layout and 
navigation but mainly is due simply to the large volume.  When I first 
learned about this whole biodiesel thing, I did a quick google search to 
find more info, as is my custom. Of course, I ended up on your excellent 
site. Even having suffered through far more chemistry than the average 
bear, I still found it rather hard to wrap my head around the idea, not 
for lack of info, but for lack of a good point of entry, both in terms 
of the what and the why.

Obviously, your focus is global and not Amerocentric but assuming the US 
is the major problem given it consumes 25% of the world's energy, it is 
the single greatest place to make a major impact. In my estimation, the 
two biggest selling points of BD for a North American audience are 
national security and domestic jobs, not global warming or social 
justice or sustainable development. Not that these aren't important, but 
if we want to really sell this idea to mainstream middle America, we 
need to couch it in terms to which they can relate.  

Alternative fuels will always be a lefty fringe idea in the US until we 
can package it as something other than a feel-good fuzzy pet project of 
a bunch of granola eating greens. A soybean farmer in Iowa works 15 
hours a day trying not to lose his land to the bank and doesn't have any 
time to worry about global warming and flooding in Bangladesh.  However, 
he does worry about having a market for his product. Likewise, an 
upperclass suburban mother is too busy balancing her career and getting 
the kids to soccer practice to worry about the $8.00/hr cafeteria worker 
at her children's school. However, she does have time to worry about her 
17 yr old son getting drafted.

Like it or not, these are the people we need to reach if alternative 
fuels are to become a legitimate energy source. If can help prevent 
global warming and unsustainable agriculture along the way, these are 
ancilary benefits.  *This* is my reason for asking Todd to tone down his 
remarks. As much as I respect his right to strongly express his views 
and admire the strength of his convictions, I'm afraid such vitriol may 
be offputting to some potential converts and as such be counterproductive.

But now, I must run some errands.

Slainte Mhath


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