No Greg. Hardly.

This conversation would not even exist (at least not here and now) were it
not for the present military assault on Iraq. Nor would it exist were it not
for the fact that you can't seem to kick your ingrained military training
and mindset into low gear.

The whole issue of DU was initiated under a context of Gulf War I (Can you
spell I-r-a-q?), the post-war human toll, the ongoing use of DU in Gulf War
II and the inevitable and untold future deaths to non-combatants that will

So if you want to get snitty, great. But don't try and pull some kind of
half-baked imitation of a guardhouse lawyer ("Gee. I guess it all depends
what the definition of "is" is.") to somehow extract yourself simply because
you didn't spell out the word I-R-A-Q and others did.

I guess if you don't spell it out the devastation is somehow lessened? No
doubt a comforting thought to those who have no part in military/political
folley, only to die years later or never be born or born mis-shapen in
places such as (S-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!!!!!!) iraq....

Maybe you'd also like to spell  "l-a-n-d  m-i-n-e" and discuss the enormous
military benefit that no doubt supercedes human cost decades after their

And just in case you forgot, you were the one that attempted to display your
vast array of knowledge by firing off derogatorily and half-cocked,
attempting to debase and defame the author of the original article on DU's
role in Gulf War I, as well as to try and downplay the depth and bredth of
the human toll decades after "coalition" exit from the theatre (that's
"tragedy, comedy and farce, all rolled into one) - all based solely upon
your "doubts" - doubts which were substantiated as being entirely

Of course you then synchro-switched out of defame mode and into technical
mode to keep the "discussion" door open.

Certainly makes one wonder how many months you worked as a disinformation

As for "prove it?"  :-)  ... Chuckle... :-) ..... Chuckle.... :-)

I think that it's not your military zeal that needs to be kicked down to low
gear, but your bully brain that needs to be kicked up to first gear. Pretty
clear that all you're looking for is a fight - damn whether there be any
logic behind it or not.

And to revisit, relative to "varmints," if you're planting acres but not
planting 10% for the animal inhabitants, you're not thinking outside your
own sphere of "self." Probably also stands to reason that you wouldn't be
re-introducing any fox onto the farm to keep the population in balance.

But then "what something "sounds like" and what [you] didn't say are not
[necessarily] one in the same [thing]," are they?

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg and April" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Better, Faster & Deader Armour

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:11
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Better, Faster & Deader Armour
> > Greg,
> >
> > "to kill more of the enemy..." - yessiree!!! that's what women, children
> and
> > a contained government are - an enemy - a "threat" worth unleashing the
> > firestorm of hell on, rather than deploying all peaceful means first.
> >
> > Not willing to trade your freedom for peace? Is that what the good ole'
> > of A is over there doing? Protecting your freedom? Must be, because it
> sure
> > is a damned funny way of preserving the peace.
> >
> You are full of shit.  Like I told Keith, " You are bringing up Iraq,  I
> never mentioned it at all ".
> > Well, I've gotta' give you least you're consistant in your
> > lopsided and near sighted analysis - looking well beyond the simplest
> > easiest solutions, instead reaching for your cans of malathion and
> roundup.
> > But then that is the way you've been trained and most have been
> programmed -
> > instant results first - consequences second (or consequencesbe damned
> > together).
> >
> You only know as much about me as you want to assume, and now you have
> an ass of yourself because of it.  I would never touch that stuff.
> > And "pests?" I think your perspective on "varmints" pretty much
> generically
> > sums up your total dilemma. While you may want to use armour piercing
> > projectiles for groundhogs and rabits, a good dog or two feet of
> horizontal
> > below-soil barrier or a dense thicket of black berries will suffice
> > nicely. All are a lot more peaceful, effective and less consequential
> > your options.
> >
> Fencing like that is not an good option for 5 or more acers at a time, to
> expensive.   As for blackberries all one has to do is drive around western
> Oragon to see what blackberries do, pluss they offer cover to varments as
> wee as protection from your dog.  A dog going after your ground hog may do
> more dammage, and is not always a good thing to have around.
> > Just one other minor wee tad little thing.... You might wish to get
> > ears of yours checked as well as those migrains.  Because what something
> > "sounds like" and what I didn't say are not one in the same.
> >
> Prove it.
> Greg H.
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