So what you're saying is that people refuse to challenge or investigate
allegations made in the media, and/or disbelieve them when shown proof
is a direct result of the corporate/government propaganda machine; and
that these people are victims because they have been manipulated into
this state of denial.


How does this theory explain why people when faced with overwhelming,
undeniable proof of government wrongdoing (Watergate, Iran-Contra,
Whitewater, etc...) simply shrug their shoulders, hop into their SUV's,
and head down to a chain restaurant for a few beers?


Your analogy about a murderer and his victim that almost fits.  While
murderers are ultimately culpable for their actions, we must still take
prudent action to protect ourselves from them.  If I engage in
activities that put me at risk of a crime (flashing lots of cash,
parking in dark areas, picking up hitchhikers, etc...), then I must
shoulder some of the responsibility if something bad happens to me.  The
situation that we are talking about is no different.  History has shown
time and time again that governments are the greatest murderers; and
when you couple them with corporate efficiency, you get holocaust.


If we are not responsible for our current state, are we also not
responsible for changing it?


How do you liberate someone who believes himself to be free?




-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:54 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] [democracies]


>With all due respect Keith,

... which usually means: None. :-)

>your argument takes the responsibility from
>the people for their condition and places it on business.

I don't agree. Look at the difference in the resources available and 
used. Your argument is a bit like saying a murderer is innocent 
because the victim was alive and therefore murderable, so it was 
his/her own fault.

>Business is
>in business to make money.

Yes, but that's simplistic. There's the matter of scale.

"Small-scale capitalism works out fine, but as scale increases the 
departure from real capitalism becomes more pronounced---profits are 
privatized, but costs are socialized. The attendant repair and 
maintenance are left to succeeding generations if possible, if not, 
to present low and middle income taxpayers." - tvoivozhd

>Corporations spend billions of dollars on
>propaganda because most people don't question what they see or hear.

You're confusing cause and effect - it's the other way round.

>you are in effect blaming the corporation because it is a wolf and also
>because the people are sheep.  What ever happened to caveat emptor?

It was a little problem, a glitch, a slight obstacle, that got 
smoothed over by having billions of dollars thrown at it.

>Information is a commodity like everything else.  With the
>of media it is even MORE important to question the information you

You think that's a simple matter? - that anyone who can read is 
competent to do that? Quite a common myth, but it's just not so, 
sorry to say, very far from it. And where in the education system are 
such skills taught?

>To answer your question, yes I think that most people are naturally
>apathetic, and lazy too.  They will take the easier path if it will get
>them close to their original destination.  That's why incremental
>repression works.  If you present a person with great difficulty to
>exactly what they have, but make it extremely easy to accept something
>slightly less, most people will settle for less.  Do this over a few
>years or decades, and you get a bloodless enslavement of millions.

Funny... I'd like to see some stats correlating the proportion of 
people in a society who think that and the dollars per capita spent 
on advertising and PR in that society. In my experience, which is by 
now quite wide, the fewer the dollars spent per capita on advertising 
and PR, the less people think most people are apathetic and lazy, and 
indeed the less apathetic and lazy most people seem to be. But the 
number of people in Western (ie industrialized) societies who think 
that is quite high, especially in the US, where the dollar rate is by 
far the highest.

Anyway, Bryan, I don't think you read the refs I recommended. Eg:

>Edward Bernays: "If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the 
>group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses 
>according to our will without them knowing it." He called this the 
>"engineering of consent" and proposed that "those who manipulate 
>this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government 
>which is the true ruling power of our country. . . . In almost every 
>act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or 
>business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are 
>dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who pull 
>the wires which control the public mind."

Or, if you like:

"The people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders. 
That is easy. All you do is tell them they are being attacked and 
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism." --Nazi leader Hermann 

Ring any recent bells?

Well, here's one ref in full below.




War On Truth

The Secret Battle for the American Mind

An Interview with John Stauber

Published in "The Sun"

March 1999

Australian academic Alex Carey once wrote that "the twentieth century 
has been characterized by three developments of great political 
importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, 
and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting 
corporate power against democracy."

In societies like ours, corporate propaganda is delivered through 
advertising and public relations. Most people recognize that 
advertising is propaganda. We understand that whoever paid for and 
designed an ad wants us to think or feel a certain way, vote for a 
certain candidate, or purchase a certain product. Public relations, 
on the other hand, is much more insidious. Because it's disguised as 
information, we often don't realize we are being influenced by public 
relations. But this multi-billion-dollar transnational industry's 
propaganda campaigns affect our private and public lives every day. 
PR firms that most people have never heard of - such as 
Burson-Marsteller, Hill & Knowlton, and Ketchum - are working on 
behalf of myriad powerful interests, from dictatorships to the 
cosmetic industry, manipulating public opinion, policy making, and 
the flow of information.

As editor of the quarterly investigative journal PR Watch, John 
Stauber exposes how public relations works and helps people to 
understand it. He hasn't always been a watchdog journalist, though. 
He worked for more than twenty years as an activist and organizer for 
various causes: the environment, peace, social justice, neighborhood 
concerns. Eventually, it dawned on him that public opinion on every 
issue he cared about was being managed by influential, politically 
connected PR operatives with nearly limitless budgets. "Public 
relations is a perversion of the democratic process," he says. "I 
knew I had to fight it."

In addition to starting PR Watch, Stauber founded the Center for 
Media and Democracy, the first and only organization dedicated to 
monitoring and exposing PR propaganda. In 1995, Common Courage Press 
published a book by Stauber and his colleague Sheldon Rampton titled 
Toxic Sludge Is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies, and the Public 
Relations Industry. Their second book, Mad Cow U.S.A.: Could the 
Nightmare Happen Here?, came out in 1997 and examined the 
public-relations coverup of the risk of mad-cow disease in the U.S.

I interviewed Stauber over dinner at the home he shares with his 
wife, Laura, in Madison, Wisconsin. He can be reached at: PR Watch, 
3318 Gregory St., Madison, WI 53711, (608) 233-3346, or at

Jensen: How is a propaganda war waged?

Stauber: The key is invisibility. Once propaganda becomes visible, 
it's less effective. Public relations is effective in manipulating 
opinion - and thus public policy - only if people believe that the 
message covertly delivered by the PR campaign is not propaganda at 
all but simply common sense or accepted reality. For instance, there 
is a con--sensus within the scientific community that global warming 
is real and that the burning of fossil fuels is a major cause of the 
problem. But to the petroleum industry, the automobile industry, the 
coal industry, and other industries that profit from fossil-fuel 
consumption, this is merely an inconvenient message that needs to be 
"debunked" because it could lead to public policies that reduce their 
profits. So, with the help of PR firms, these vested interests create 
and fund industry front groups such as the Global Climate Coalition. 
The coalition then selects, promotes, and publicizes scientists who 
proclaim global warming a myth and characterize hard evidence of 
global climate change as "junk science" being pushed by self-serving 
environmental groups out to scare the public for fund-raising 

Another industry front group is the Hudson Institute, a prominent 
far-right think tank espousing the view that global climate change 
will be beneficial! The Hudson Institute is funded by the American 
Trucking Association, the Ford Motor Company, Allison Engine Company, 
Bombardier, and McDonnell Douglas, among others. The Global Climate 
Coalition and the Hudson Institute are routinely quoted in the news 
media, where they promote their message of "Don't worry, burn lots of 
oil, gas, and coal." In order to confuse the public and manipulate 
opinion and policy to their advantage, corporations spend billions of 
dollars a year hiring PR firms to cultivate the press, discredit 
their critics, spy on and co-opt citizens' groups, and use polls to 
find out what images and messages will resonate with target audiences.

For obvious reasons, public relations is a secretive industry. PR 
firms don't like to reveal their clients. Some of them, though, can 
be identified. Here's a list of just a tiny fraction of the clients 
represented by Burson-Marsteller, the world's largest PR firm: NBC, 
Philip Morris, Trump Enterprises, Jonas Savimbi's UNITA rebels in 
Angola, Occidental Petroleum, American Airlines, the state of Alaska, 
Genentech, the Ford Motor Company, the Times Mirror Company, MCI, the 
National Restaurant Association, Coca-Cola, the British Columbia 
timber industry, Dow Corning, General Electric, Hydro-Qu'bec, 
Monsanto, AT&T, British Telecom, Chevron, DuPont, IBM, 
Warner-Lambert, Visa, Seagram, SmithKline Beecham, Reebok, Proctor & 
Gamble, Glaxo, Campbell's Soup, the Olympics, Nestl', Motorola, 
Gerber, Eli Lilly, Caterpillar, Sears, Beretta, Pfizer, Metropolitan 
Life, McDonnell Doug-las, and the governments of Kenya, Indonesia, 
Argentina, El Salvador, the Bahamas, Italy, Mexico, Korea, Saudi 
Arabia, and Nigeria.

Jensen: That list encompasses everything from biotechnology to 
genocide to jet-skis.

Stauber: In its latest reporting year, Burson-Marsteller claimed more 
than a quarter of a billion dollars in net fees from its clients. And 
it's only one of a number of PR firms owned by the Young & Rubicam 
advertising agency. Other top-ten PR firms include Hill & Knowlton, 
Shandwick, Porter/Novelli, Fleishman-Hillard, Edelman, and Ketchum - 
companies that most of us have never heard of, but whose influence 
we've all felt.

Burson-Marsteller alone has twenty-two hundred PR flacks - that's 
slang for a public-relations practitioner - in more than thirty 
countries. In its promotional materials, the firm says its 
international operations are "linked together electronically and 
philosophically to deliver a single standard of excellence." It 
claims that "the role of communications is to manage perceptions 
which motivate behaviors that create business results," and that its 
mission is to help clients "manage issues by influencing - in the 
right combination - public attitude, public perceptions, public 
behavior, and public policy."

Jensen: Why don't we read more about these hidden manipulations in 
the news? Stauber: Primarily because the mainstream, corporate news 
media are dependent on public relations. Half of everything in the 
news actually originates from a PR firm. If you're a lazy journalist, 
editor, or news director, it's easy to simply regurgitate the dozens 
of press releases and stories that come in every day for free from PR 

Remember, the media's primary source of income is the more than $100 
billion a year corporations spend on advertising. The PR firms are 
owned by advertising agencies, so the same companies that are 
producing billions of dollars in advertising are the ones pitching 
stories to the news media, cultivating relationships with reporters, 
and controlling reporters' access to the executives and companies 
they represent. In fact, of the 160,000 or so PR flacks in the U.S., 
maybe a third began their careers as journalists. Who better to 
manipulate the media than former reporters and editors? Investigative 
journalist Mark Dowie estimates that professional PR flacks actually 
outnumber real working journal--ists in the U.S.

Jensen: How does politics figure into this equation?

Stauber: Public relations is now inseparable from the business of 
lobbying, creating public policy, and getting candidates elected to 
public office. The PR industry just might be the single most powerful 
political institution in the world. It expropriates and exploits the 
democratic rights of millions on behalf of big business by fooling 
the public about the issues.

Unfortunately, there's no easy remedy to the situation. When Sheldon 
Rampton and I wrote Toxic Sludge Is Good for You, our publisher said, 
"This book is going to depress readers. You need to offer a solution 
or they'll feel even more disempowered." But there is no simple 
solution. Propaganda will always be used by those who can afford it. 
That's how the powerful maintain control. In defense, the rest of us 
need to develop our critical-thinking capabilities and maintain a 
strong commitment to reinvigorating democracy.

Jensen: But if it's not illegal and everyone uses it, what's wrong 
with public relations?

Stauber: There's nothing wrong with much of what is done in public 
relations, like putting out press releases, calling members of the 
press, arguing a position, or communicating a message. Everyone, 
myself included, who's trying to get an idea across, market a 
product, or influence other citizens uses techniques that fit the 
definition of public relations. After all, the industry grew out of 
the democratic process of debate and decision making.

Today, however, public relations has become a huge, powerful, hidden 
medium available only to wealthy individuals, big corporations, 
governments, and government agencies because of its high cost. And 
the purpose of these campaigns is not to facilitate democracy or 
promote social good, but to increase power and profitability for the 
clients paying the bills. This overall management of public opinion 
and policy by the few is completely contrary to and destructive of 

In Washington, D.C., issues are no longer simply lobbied. They are 
"managed" by a triad composed of (1) public-relations experts from 
firms like Burson-Marsteller; (2) business lobbyists, who bankroll 
politicians, write legislation, and are often former politicians 
themselves; and (3) phony grass-roots organizations - I call them 
"astroturf groups" - that the PR industry has created on behalf of 
its corporate clients to give the appearance of public support for 
their agendas.

Jensen: How do people in the PR industry respond to these charges?

Stauber: In private, their response to me is invariably "You're 
right, only it's even worse." In public, they say, "What are you, 
against freedom of speech? Corporations and the wealthy have a right 
to make their voices heard, and that's what we do. This is just 
democracy in action."

Jensen: But how do they defend promoting the interests of torturers 
and murderers?

Stauber: PR executives compare themselves to lawyers. They say, 
"People come to us with a need to be rep--resented in the arena of 
public affairs, and we have an obligation to represent them."

Jensen: To lie for them.

Stauber: To "manage issues and public perception" is how they would put

Jensen: How did all this come about?

Stauber: The PR industry is a product of the early twentieth century. 
It grew out of what was then the world's largest propaganda campaign, 
waged by Woodrow Wilson's administration to get the American public 
to support U.S. entry into the First World War. At that time, the 
country was much more isolationist than today. A huge ocean separated 
us from Europe, and most Americans didn't want to get dragged into 
what was seen as Europe's war.

In fact, citizens are almost always reluctant to go to war. Take the 
Persian Gulf War of 1991. We now know that the royal family of Kuwait 
hired as many as twenty public-relations, law, and lobbying firms in 
Washington, D.C., to convince Americans to support that war. It paid 
one PR firm alone, Hill & Knowlton, $10.8 million. Hill & Knowlton 
set up an astroturf group called Citizens for a Free Kuwait to make 
it appear as if there were a large grass-roots constituency in 
support of the war. The firm also produced and distributed dozens of 
"video news releases" that were aired as news stories by TV stations 
and networks around the world. It was Hill & Knowlton that arranged 
the infamous phony Congressional hearing at which the daughter of the 
Kuwaiti ambassador, appearing anonymously, falsely testified to 
having witnessed Iraqi soldiers pulling scores of babies from 
incubators in a hospital and leaving them to die. Her testimony was a 
complete fabrication, but everyone from Amnesty International to 
President George Bush repeated it over and over as proof of Saddam 
Hussein's evil. Sam Zakhem, a former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain, 
funneled another $7.7 million into the propaganda campaign through 
two front groups, the Freedom Task Force and the Coalition for 
Americans at Risk, to pay for TV and newspaper ads and to keep on 
payroll a stable of fifty speakers for pro-war rallies.

The Hill & Knowlton executives running the show were Craig Fuller, a 
close friend and advisor to President Bush, and Frank Mankiewicz - 
better known as a friend of the Kennedys and former president of 
National Public Radio - who managed the media masterfully, 
particularly television: a University of Massachusetts study later 
showed that the more TV people watched, the fewer facts they actually 
knew about the situation in the Persian Gulf, and the more they 
supported the war.

But back to the history of the industry. After the Wilson 
administration succeeded in getting the public behind World War I, 
public-relations practitioners who'd been involved in the campaign - 
like Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays - began looking for business clients. 
The tactics of invisible persuasion that they'd honed working for the 
War Department were put to use on behalf of the tobacco, oil, and 
other industries. And with each success, the public-relations 
industry grew. Tobacco propaganda has surely been the most 
successful, longest-running, and deadliest public-relations campaign 
in history.

Jensen: Wasn't Bernays central to that?

Stauber: He was, although, to his credit, he later recognized the 
deadly effects of tobacco and condemned colleagues who worked for 
tobacco companies.

Edward Bernays was surely one of the most amazing and influential 
characters of the twentieth century. He was a nephew of Sigmund Freud 
and helped to popularize Freudianism in the U.S. Later, he used his 
relation to Freud to promote himself. And from his uncle's 
psychoanalysis techniques, Bernays developed a scientific method of 
managing behavior, to which he gave the name "public relations."

Believing that democracy needed wise and hidden manipulators, Bernays 
was proud to be a propagandist and wrote in his book Propaganda: "If 
we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now 
possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will 
without them knowing it." He called this the "engineering of consent" 
and proposed that "those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of 
society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling 
power of our country. . . . In almost every act of our daily lives, 
whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct 
or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small 
number of persons . . . who pull the wires which control the public 

It appears not to have dawned on Bernays until the 1930s that his 
science of propaganda could also be used to subvert democracy and 
promote fascism. That was when journalist Karl von Weigand told 
Bernays that Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels had read all of his 
books, and possessed an even better library on propaganda than 
Bernays did.

Jensen: Let's get back to tobacco. How did that industry use public 
relations to promote its products?

Stauber: Prior to the 1950s, the tobacco industry actually hired 
doctors to promote tobacco's "health benefits." It calms the nerves, 
soothes the throat, and keeps you thin, they said. We have Bernays, 
Ivy Lee, and other early PR experts to thank for that. Then, when 
major news outlets began reporting tobacco's links to cancer - some 
publications even curtailed tobacco advertising - the tobacco 
industry launched what's called a "crisis-management campaign," 
primarily under the leadership of John Hill of Hill & Knowlton. 
Hill's goal was to fool the public into believing that the tobacco 
industry could responsibly and scientifically investigate the issue 
itself and, if it found a problem, somehow correct it and make 
tobacco products safe. What really happened, we all know, is that 
tobacco companies spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding and 
publicizing "research" purporting to prove tobacco doesn't cause 
cancer, and at the same time created one of the most powerful 
political lobbies in history to prevent tobacco regulation.

Jensen: This strategy of funding biased or phony research to support 
corporate profitability seems ubiquitous: the timber industry funds 
forestry schools, for example, where they teach that logging is 
needed to "improve forest health."

Stauber: Another proven strategy is polling the public to find what 
messages will resonate with people's values and desires. If they 
find, for example, that women have a desire to be free from male 
domination, the strategy might be to market cigarettes as "torches of 
liberty," as Bernays did in the twenties, when he arranged for 
attractive New York City debutantes to walk in the Easter Fashion 
Parade waving lit cigarettes. That single publicity stunt broke the 
social taboo against women smoking and doubled the tobacco industry's 
market overnight.

It's even better if you can put your message in the mouth of someone 
the public trusts. This is called the "third-party technique" and was 
also pioneered by Bernays. Surveys show that scientists are widely 
trusted, so the public-relations industry hires "scientific experts" 
to say things beneficial to the industry's clients. PR firms also 
deliver messages through journalists, doctors, and others who appear 
to be independent, trustworthy sources of information. For example, 
the public is naturally suspicious when pesticide companies claim 
their poisonous products are safe. But if former surgeon general C. 
Everett Koop, one of the nation's most trusted public figures, says 
pesticides are safe, we're more likely to believe the message. After 
all, Koop warned us about AIDS and tobacco, so wouldn't he be up- 
front about pesticides, too? Sadly, no. PR strategists scored a major 
victory in 1990 when Koop spoke out against Big Green, a referendum 
that would have regulated or banned many pesticides. His opposition 
was considered an important factor in the referendum's defeat.

Jensen: We ought to remember what's at stake here. What we're really 
talking about is corporations promoting death for profit.

Stauber: The most powerful PR firms, such as Hill & Knowlton and 
Burson-Marsteller, often work for brutal dictatorships. Most 
Washington lobbying firms are willing to represent dictatorships.

Jensen: How do these people live with themselves?

Stauber: Apparently, very well. They have prestigious positions, nice 
wardrobes, six-figure salaries, and expensive homes. They hobnob with 
celebrities and politicians and corporate executives. They tell 
themselves that what they do is beneficial to society, or that if 
they didn't do it, someone else would. Some PR flacks invoke the 
Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders."

I have a friend who was recruited right out of college by a major PR 
firm. They liked what she'd written about environmental issues, and 
they said to her, "All you have to do is write, and we'll pay you a 
nice salary." It was just what she wanted to do, and she was paid 
much more than most writers. She rose to be a vice-president. Then 
one day, she woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't go on. She quit and 
went to work in journalism. But few people opt out the way she did.

Jensen: How did you get started doing this sort of work?

Stauber: Ironically, I owe my inspiration to Burson- Marsteller, 
because it was after I caught them infiltrating and spying on a 
meeting of public-interest activists that I decided to start PR Watch 
and shine a light on this sordid industry.

In 1990, I organized a meeting of citizen groups opposed to the 
Monsanto company's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, 
called rBGH. Surveys of consumers and farmers showed overwhelming 
opposition to injecting a hormonal drug into cows to force more milk 
out of them. Unfortunately, thanks to the hundreds of millions of 
dollars spent by Monsanto on public relations and on influencing the 
Clinton administration, rBGH was approved by the Food and Drug 
Administration in 1993 and is now in wide use. What's worse, milk and 
dairy products produced with the use of the drug are not labeled, 
which means consumers have almost no way of avoiding it. Some 
companies, like Ben & Jerry's and Stonyfield Farm, that have refused 
to accept milk from cows injected with rBGH have been threatened with 
legal action by Monsanto. Back in 1990, when rBGH was still just a 
billion-dollar gleam in Monsanto's corporate eye, I organized a 
meeting in Washington, D.C., of the Consumers Union, the National 
Family Farm Coalition, the Humane Farming Association, and other 
groups. Shortly before the meeting, I received a call from a woman 
who identified herself as "Lisa Ellis, a member of the Maryland 
Citizens Consumer Council." She said she'd heard of the meeting and 
asked if her organization could send a representative; it wanted to 
make sure schoolchildren could avoid rBGH-produced milk. I said they 
were certainly welcome, and a woman named Diane Moser attended our 

A few months later, a reporter told me that Monsanto was bragging 
about having placed a spy in our meeting. A little sleuthing revealed 
that the Maryland Citizens Consumer Council was a ruse, and that both 
Diane Moser and Lisa Ellis were working for Burson-Marsteller on the 
Monsanto account. A former employee of that firm later told me that 
it routinely sends new employees into deceptive and unethical 
situations to see if they're willing to be dishonest on behalf of its 
clients. At the time, though, I'd never heard of such a thing. I felt 
invaded and swore I would find out what kind of scum went around 
spying this way. Who was Burson-Marsteller?

Through the Freedom of Information Act, I was able to obtain 
thousands of pages of internal documents from their PR campaign. I 
found I was up against one of the largest, most effective, 
best-funded, best-connected public-relations campaigns in history. 
Few people even knew the battle was going on, however, because most 
Americans had never heard of genetically engineered bovine growth 
hormone. Many of those who did hear about the drug heard about it 
under a different name. A 1986 survey done for the dairy industry - 
which has worked hand in hand with Monsanto to promote rBGH - showed 
that the term "bovine growth hormone" caused consumers to worry, so 
the industry began calling the drug bovine somatotropin, which is 
Latin for "growth hormone." Then a PR firm that monitors reporters 
began giving positive marks to those who called it bovine 
somatotropin, and negative marks to those who referred to it by its 
proper name, bovine growth hormone.

Jensen: I've seen the same thing happen in logging. Timber-industry 
and Forest Service representatives try not to use the term "old 
growth," preferring instead to call ancient trees "overmature" or 
"decadent." There are also a number of euphemisms for clear-cuts; my 
favorite is "temporary meadows."

Stauber: If you can control the terms of the debate, you'll win every 
time. If you read something about bovine somatotropin, a "natural 
protein" used to enhance yields in dairy farming, your response will 
likely be more positive than if you read about injecting dairy cows 
with a genetically engineered growth hormone.

Jensen: How do PR firms get away with planting these terms in news

Stauber: Journalism is in drastic decline. It's become a lousy 
profession. The commercial media are greed-driven enterprises 
dominated by a dozen transnational companies. Newsroom staffs have 
been downsized. Much of what you see on national and local TV news is 
actually video news releases prepared by public-relations firms and 
given free to TV stations and networks. News directors air these PR 
puff pieces disguised as news stories because it's a free way to fill 
air time and allows them to lay off reporters. Of course, it's not 
just television that's the problem. Academics who study public 
relations report that half or more of what appears in newspapers and 
magazines is lifted verbatim from press releases generated by 
public-relations firms.

Jensen: That doesn't surprise me. But maybe I'm just cynical.

Stauber: Frankly, if you're not cynical, you're not understanding 
what's happening. The reality is that the wheels of media are greased 
with more than $100 billion a year in corporate advertising. The 
advertisers' power to dictate the content of what we see as news and 
entertainment grows every year. After all, the real purpose of the 
media as a business is to deliver an audience to advertisers. 
Journalists find themselves squeezed between advertising money coming 
in the back door and press releases coming in the front.

Not only this, they've become dependent on PR firms for the stories 
they do write. All journalists know, if you want to investigate a 
corporation, you eventually have to talk with someone there. Unless 
you belong to the same country club as the top executives, you're 
going to pick up the phone and get the "vice-president of 
communications" - i.e., a public-relations flack. You need this 
person's help. This probably isn't the last story you'll do on this 
corporation. If you write a hard-hitting piece, no one at that 
corporation will ever speak to you again. What's that going to do to 
your ability to write about that industry? What's it going to do to 
your career?

Some PR companies - such as Carma International and Video Monitoring 
Service - specialize in monitoring news stories and journalists. They 
can immediately evaluate all print, radio, and television coverage of 
a subject to determine which stories were favorable to corporate 
interests, who the reporters were, who their bosses are, and so on. 
The PR firms then rank reporters as favorable or unfavorable to their 
clients' interests, and cultivate relationships with cooperative 
reporters while punishing those whose reporting is critical. Certain 
PR firms will provide dossiers on reporters so that, between the time 
a reporter makes an initial phone call and the time a company's 
vice-president of communications calls back, the company will have 
found out the name of the reporter's supervisor, all about the 
reporter's family and background, and other pertinent information.

Jensen: We often hear charitable giving referred to as "good public 
relations." How does this work?

Stauber: Corporations want us to believe that they are concerned, 
moral "corporate citizens" - whatever that means. So businesses pump 
millions of dollars into charities and nonprofit organizations to 
deceive us into thinking that they care and are making things better. 
On top of that, corporate charity can buy the tacit cooperation of 
organizations that might otherwise be expected to criticize corporate 
policies. Some PR firms specialize in helping corporations to defeat 
activists, and co-optation is one of their tools.

Some years ago, in a speech to clients in the cattle industry, Ron 
Duchin, senior vice-president of the PR firm Mongoven, Biscoe, and 
Duchin (which represents probably a quarter of the largest 
corporations in the world), outlined his firm's basic 
divide-and-conquer strategy for defeating any social-change movement. 
Activists, he explained, fall into three basic categories: radicals, 
idealists, and realists. The first step in his strategy is to isolate 
and marginalize the radicals. They're the ones who see the inherent 
structural problems that need remedying if indeed a particular change 
is to occur. To isolate them, PR firms will try to create a 
perception in the public mind that people advocating fundamental 
solutions are terrorists, extremists, fearmongers, outsiders, 
communists, or whatever. After marginalizing the radicals, the PR 
firm then identifies and "educates" the idealists - concerned and 
sympathetic members of the public - by convincing them that the 
changes advocated by the radicals would hurt people. The goal is to 
sour the idealists on the idea of working with the radicals, and 
instead get them working with the realists.

Realists, according to Duchin, are people who want reform but don't 
really want to upset the status quo; big public-interest 
organizations that rely on foundation grants and corporate 
contributions are a prime example. With the correct handling, Duchin 
says, realists can be counted on to cut a deal with industry that can 
be touted as a "win-win" solution, but that is actually an industry 

Jensen: Why does this strategy keep working?

Stauber: In part, because we don't have a watchdog press that 
aggressively investigates and exposes PR lies and deceptions. Its 
success is also a reflection of the sorry state of democracy in our 
society. We really have a single corporate party with two wings, both 
funded by wealthy special interests. On the critical issues - 
taxation, health care, foreign policy - there's rarely much 
disagreement. If there is, more special-interest money floods in to 
make sure the corporate agenda wins out. On a deeper level, we all 
want to believe these lies. Wouldn't it be great to wake up and find 
ourselves living in a functioning democracy? To be truly represented 
by our so-called Representatives? Not to have to worry about the 
destruction of the biosphere or the safety of the water we drink and 
the food we eat? I think we all buy in because we want to believe 
things aren't as bad as they really are.

The reality is, though, that the U.S. political and social 
environment is corrupt and deeply dysfunctional. Structural reforms 
must be made in our political and economic system in order to assert 
the rights of citizens over corporations. But since big corporations 
dominate the media, we're not going to hear about this on network 
news or in the New York Times. We're not going to hear about it from 
politicians who are bought and paid for by wealthy interests. The 
beginning of the solution is for people to recognize that it's not 
enough to send checks in response to direct-mail solicitations from 
politicians and public-interest groups. We need to become real 
citizens and get personally involved in reclaiming our country.

Big environmental organizations, socially responsible investment 
funds, and other groups perpetuate the myth that if we just write 
checks to them, they'll heal the environment, reform the corrupt 
campaign-finance system, protect our freedom of speech, and reign in 
corporate power. This is a dangerous falsehood, because it implies 
that we don't have to sweat and struggle to make democracy work. It's 
so much easier to write a check for twenty-five or fifty dollars than 
it is to integrate our concerns about critical issues into our daily 
lives and organize with our neighbors for democracy.

Many so-called public-interest organizations have become big 
businesses, multinational nonprofit corporations. The PR industry 
knows this and exploits it well with the type of co-optation 
strategies that Duchin recommends.

Jensen: This seems especially true of big environmental groups.

Stauber: E. Bruce Harrison, one of the most effective 
public-relations practitioners in the business, knows that all too 
well. He's made a lucrative career out of helping polluting companies 
defeat environmental regulations while simultaneously giving the 
companies a "green" public image. In the industry, they call him the 
"Dean of Green." As a longtime opponent of the environmental 
movement, Harrison has developed some interesting insights into its 
failures. He says, "The environmental movement is dead. It really 
died in the last fifteen years, from success." I think he's correct. 
What he means is that, in the eighties and nineties, environmentalism 
became a big business, and organizations like the Audubon Society, 
the Wilderness Society, the National Wildlife Federation, the 
Environmental Defense Fund, and the Natural Resources Defense Council 
became competing multi-million-dollar bureaucracies. These 
organizations, Harrison says, seem much more interested in "the 
business of greening" than in fighting for fundamental social change. 
He points out, for instance, that the Environmental Defense Fund 
(whose executive director makes a quarter of a million dollars a 
year) sat down and cut a deal with McDonald's that was probably worth 
hundreds of millions of dollars in publicity to the fast-food giant, 
because it helped to "greenwash" its public image.

Jensen: How so?

Stauber: After years of being hammered by grass-roots 
environmentalists for everything from deforestation to inhumane 
farming practices to contributing to a throwaway culture, McDonald's 
finally relented on something: it did away with its styrofoam 
clamshell hamburger containers. But before the company did this, it 
entered into a partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund and 
gave that group credit for the change. Both sides "won" in the 
ensuing PR lovefest. McDonald's took one little step in response to 
grass-roots activists, and the Environmental Defense Fund claimed a 
major victory.

Another problem is that big green groups have virtually no 
accountability to the many thousands of individuals who provide them 
with money. Meanwhile, the grass-roots environmental groups are 
starved of the hundreds of millions of dollars that are raised every 
year by these massive bureaucracies. Over the past two decades, 
they've turned the environmental movement's grass-roots base of 
support into little more than a list of donors they hustle for money 
via direct-mail appeals and telemarketing.

It's getting even worse, because now corporations are directly 
funding groups like the Audubon Society, the Wilderness Society, and 
the National Wildlife Federation. Corporate executives now sit on the 
boards of some of these groups. PR executive Leslie Dach, for 
instance, of the rabidly anti-environmental Edelman PR firm, is on 
the Audubon Society's board of directors. Meanwhile, his PR firm has 
helped lead the "wise use" assault on environmental regulation.

Corporations and public-relations firms hire so-called activists and 
pay them large fees to work against the public interest. For 
instance, Carol Tucker Foreman was once the executive director of the 
Consumer Federation of America, a group that itself takes corporate 
dollars. Now she has her own lucrative consulting firm and works for 
companies like Monsanto and Proctor & Gamble, pushing rBGH and 
promoting the fake fat Olestra, which has been linked to bowel 
problems. She also works with other public-interest pretenders like 
the Washington, D.C.-based organization Public Voice, which takes 
money from agribusiness and food interests and should truthfully be 
called Corporate Voice.

Jensen: It seems the main thrust of the PR business is to get the 
public to ignore atrocities.

Stauber: Tom Buckmaster, the chairman of Hill & Knowlton, once stated 
explicitly the single most important rule of public relations: 
"Managing the outrage is more important than managing the hazard." 
From a corporate perspective, that's absolutely right. A hazard isn't 
a problem if you're making money off it. It's only when the public 
becomes aware and active that you have a problem, or, rather, a PR 
crisis in need of management.

Jensen: How does your work at PR Watch help?

Stauber: The propaganda-for-hire industry perverts democracy. We try 
to help citizens and journalists learn about how they're being lied 
to, manipulated, and too often defeated by sophisticated PR 
campaigns. The public-relations industry is a little like the 
invisible man in that old Claude Rains movie: crimes are committed, 
but no one can see the perpetrator. At PR Watch, we try to paint the 
invisible manipulators with bright orange paint. Citizens in a 
democracy need to know who and what interests are manipulating public 
opinion and policy, and how. Democracies work best without invisible 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 6:49 AM
>Subject: RE: [biofuel] [democracies]
>Bryan Brah wrote:
> >Corporations (or big business), the media, and education have ALWAYS
> >been controlled by the elite.   The problem is not with needing to
> >"repossess" anything, but rather with asserting the rights that we
> >and making the politicians do our will by voting for and against
> >The system will work just fine if citizens would use it.
> >
> >
> >
> >So again it boils down to the same issue of how to wake the ignorant
> >apathetic consumers from their comfortable stupor.
>So, again, it boils down to repossessing what's yours. You think they
>just somehow happen to be apathetic consumers in a comfortable
>stupor, it's the way they naturally are? You wouldn't think that
>maybe the $135 billion a year spent in the US mainly by corporate
>interests on advertising and PR might have something to do with
>telling them what to do, what to think, what to believe, what to
>want, what not to care about, what questions not to ask, and to do
>what they're told? - Let alone billions more on "think-tanks", on
>corporate media control, on campaign contributions, on bending and
>twisting every social institution their way, very much including
>education and academia? You don't realise consent is manufactured?
>And you think it's a "level playing field" that the ordinary citizen
>can compete on successfully with his (LOL!) vote and his (ROFL!)
>Suggest you have a look at some of the resources listed here:
>Check out Stauber and Rampton's work, learn something about Edward L
> >
> >
> >-BRAH
> >>Three things you'll have to put right - or rather repossess -
> >>before democracy becomes a real option in the US again: the
> >>education system, the media, and the price-tag on a candidate's
> >>campaign. Also your citizenship - no citizenship for corporations!
> >>(Study the history of corporations.) While other interests -
> >>corporate mainly - control these institutions you'll be much closer
> >>to Curtis's dreams of slavery than to any sort of citizenship, no
> >>matter how comfortably buffered with consumer durables your slavery
> >>might be.
> >>
> >>Best
> >>
> >>Keith

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