Dear Brah,

>I see no solution to the current system but it's
> destruction and replacement by another.

I sincerely hope we don't have to return to square one after all the work to 
get this far. Granted there are lots of problems, but can't you find anything 
worth building on? If we keep starting over, we aren't going to get anywhere. 
Especially if we keep repeating the mistakes. Please, let us work on what 
we've got and try and change it towards something better. I honestly don't 
believe it is impossible to improve our present world. It is one small step at 
a time, and one gets there. Many small steps. Please don't get dismayed by the 
size of the problem. Bring your focus in closer and keep biting and chewing. 
Just look at this forum, these discussions, and grassroots efforts on 
biofuels, as an example. The big boys think they have the world sewn up with 
big oil. Meanwhile, there is a ground swell of biofuel coming that is going to 
wash big oil away. Yes, the media could do better. And, yes, there is 
corruption in the States and elsewhere. But, I also think we have come a long 
way since my childhood when Kennedy and Johnson and Nixon and so forth got 
away with what they did. Relatively speaking they have to walk on egg shells 
these days or some journalist is going to call them out. I think the media 
tends to slant things, but I don't think it is rotten to the core. They are 
still playing a valuable and essential role at keeping the politicians honest
(I hope).

Derek Hargis

> Keith,
> I sincerely appreciate this lively philosophical debate.  When I have
> attempted in the past to paraphrase and restate what I believe to be
> your position, you accused me of "putting words in your mouth."  Perhaps
> it is due to the fact that I am a product of the US public education
> system, or just my own innate inability to think critically, but I am
> having difficulty understanding what exactly you believe.  
> As you have probably gathered, I am very suspicious of government and
> the media it controls, and expect everyone else to be equally cynical
> concerning power.  I see no solution to the current system but it's
> destruction and replacement by another.  Barring this revolution, the
> only things that individuals can do against the current power structure
> is to try and gain a modicum of independence by existing as much as
> possible outside the political/economic/media sphere (i.e. living
> simply, growing food, making fuel, bartering, etc.).  Furthermore, while
> we can't really improve the system, we can slow the erosion of our
> economic and political freedom by letting those in power know that we
> are watching them.  The only way to do this is by educating ourselves
> and spreading the word about what is happening.  
> As someone who has put small-scale sustainability into practice, it
> seems (at least superficially) that you hold some of the same values as
> I.  However, it is apparent from your rebuttals that you disagree with
> me.  Will you graciously indulge me by (re)stating exactly what you
> perceive the problem to be and what you feel we can do to fix it?
> Best Regards,

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