Hallo Tad,

Monday, 29 March, 2004, 06:44:21, you wrote:


TJ> Do  we  simply  sit back and watch this happen every few years and
TJ> not  do  anything  about  it? Is it somehow our fault that we were
TJ> attacked  on  9-11? Is it ok for terrorists to attack and kill not
TJ> only  Americans but also many other nationalities simply for their
TJ> own twisted religious views by the thousands?

TJ> I'm  not sure what the answers are to these questions, but I'm not
TJ> sure sitting back and doing nothing is responsible either.


"Is it somehow our fault that we were attacked on 9-11?"  Yes, we have
to  accept  some of the responsibility for that attack ourselves.  Our
government  has  made  choices,  often  poor,  evil  and  self-serving
choices,  which have pushed people into the state of mind they are now

If you look at the history of the modern state of Israel you will find
that its inception is rooted in terrorism and that it is, in fact, the
largest  sponsor  of  terrorism  on the planet today.  None of Israels
actions  are steps towards peace but rather are steps towards conquest
and  control.   And  who  do  you  think has supported this terrorism?
Uncle Sam.

Now  Pat  Boone  sings a nice song and perhaps God did give the entire
region  to  Israel,  but the deed was never registered and made public
and  there  is  a  dispute  over those claims.  Particularly since the
Israel  of  today  is  10  times  larger  than  the  Israel of the old
testament Israel.  Brings the word "Lebensraum" to mind.

Now  brother,  suppose  the  Canadian  or Mexican army came across the
borders  and  began  blowing  up  hotels,  assassinating officials and
military  officers,  killing  off  political figures and  businessmen,
bulldozing  houses  and destroying farms, killing civilians, targeting
people's  eyes  or  knees,  building walls and fences and roping folks
off,  disallowing  freedom  of  movement,  destroying  the economy and
making  paupers  and  serfs  out of our citizens all the while calling
anyone  who  fought  back  against  such outrage "terrorists". Further
suppose  that  the state doing this to us was supported by the richest
and most powerful nation on earth.  Given carte blanche.  "Do anything
you  want  to them.  We will back you."  After several decades of such
treatment  do  you  not suppose that we would be striking out not only
against those directly oppressing us but at those supporting them?  It
is only reasonable.

Suppose further that this was taken before the UN and while there were
numerous  resolutions concerning both sides that powerful nation and a
good share of the rest of the world insisted that ONLY the resolutions
concerning  us  needed  to  be  upheld  and  they  just  blew  off the
resolutions  concerning  our  attackers. Might that not tend to piss a
poor  boy off? Suppose that the occupying nation made it a practice to
assassinate  the  moderates  among  us  and  the most dangerous of the
radicals  so  that  they  HAD  to  deal with the radicals because they
killed off the reasonable leaders? That is precisely an Israeli tactic
and we support them.

If  we  are going to hold others accountable for their actions we need
to  be  accountable for our own.  Nothing is happening in a vacuum and
whether  or  not we like it there are reasons for the 911 attack which
are  understandable.    That  doesn't  make  it  right  but  at  least
understandable.  If  we are unwilling to accept the responsiblilty for
our  actions  we can hardly ask anyone else to do so.  We also need to
remember  that  what  goes around does come around.  Everyone needs to
remember   that.   As  long  as the catch phrases remain "bottom line"
and  "national  interest"  then  we  are  not  talking  about behaving
responsibily.   Until  we become (as a world) reasonable, responsible,
disciplined  and restrained we are going to have to expect things such
as  911  and the like to happen.  If we can't see any further down the
road than the end of our noses we better get some spectacles and if we
continue  to allow one people anywhere to be oppressed then we are not
doing our job as human beings.

Fanatics only grow where the soil is fertile.  It would behoove us not
to  fertilize  that  soil.   That  is  irresponsible as is holding one
people  to  one  standard and another to a different standard.  Let us
speak plainly and call things what they are.  The Israelis are as much
terrorists as the Palestinians or anyone else.  Because they happen to
be  a  state only lends the appearance of legitimacy to their acts but
does not make their acts right or reasonable.

Is  what  I  am  saying  "anti-semitism"?   No.   Speaking against any
violence  is  only reasonable and responsible.  Calling aggression and
hostility  by  one  side  "self-defense"  and  that  of the other side
"terrorism"  is  only political maneuvering and obfuscation and in the
end  totally  dishonest.   We  all need to clean up our own houses and
take the responsibility for our actions.

TJ> If  you  remember  factual data about world war II is that we were
TJ> totally neutral until YOU and France became under attack and asked
TJ> for  our  assistance, of which we gave without asking for anything
TJ> in return. We are allies and have been since after our declaration
TJ> of  independence  from you. We are allies as well with most of the
TJ> rest of the world.

If  you  are  speaking  to  Keith  here I do not remember South Africa
asking for our assistance in the war.

TJ> When  there  is a disaster in any country, including countries who
TJ> "hate"  us,  we  still  send  our  red  cross  and disaster relief
TJ> immediately.  We  send our best trained doctors all over the world
TJ> to  help children and others in need and never ask for anything in
TJ> return,  not  even  a  "thank  you".  We  have  more  humanitarian
TJ> organizations  than  most  any other country in the world. We also
TJ> share  massive  amounts  of technology for growing food, resources
TJ> and   technologies  that  help  clean  the  air  with  many  other
TJ> countries.

Brother,  this reasoning is a bit like cigarette companies telling one
to  go to their web site for help with quitting smoking.  And brother,
if  one expects a "thank you" or anything else for a good deed then it
isn't  really  a  good deed is it?  It is sort of like expecting to be
paid for a "gift".

TJ> Do  we  make  mistakes  and  have corporate officers who do stupid
TJ> things  or  act out of greed? Of course, what country does not? Do
TJ> we  have  people  who  lie  to  cover  up  their  mistakes  and or
TJ> indiscretions?  Certainly,  just  like  every other country in the
TJ> world.  Is  it  right?  Absolutely  not,  and if you see our court
TJ> sessions  pressing  charges  against most of these people then you
TJ> would  realize  our  whole  country  is not infiltrated with these
TJ> types of people, but rather just like everyone else, we have them.

Problem is brother you have to go after entire industries and you have
to make THEM hurt financially but that isn't what happens.  One or two
people fall on their swords and it is business as usual.  But they get
smarter and cover their tracks better.

TJ> If  it  were my world everyone would stop building homes with wood
TJ> and  find an alternative like concrete or some other material. The
TJ> forests  would  not  be  harvested.  If  it were my world we would
TJ> simply  tell everyone else to keep peace with us and we would keep
TJ> peace  with  them. If it were my world we would not be burning any
TJ> form  of liquid fuel, especially fossil fuels. If it were my world
TJ> we  would  not have nuclear arsenals. If it were my world we would
TJ> work  together  as one planet helping each other clean up the mess
TJ> we  are  making  and  help each other grow more food and help more
TJ> people....together.  If  it  were  my world everyone would realize
TJ> that  wether they like it or not, we are all brothers and sisters,
TJ> period,  and  we  need  to treat each other as such. If it were my
TJ> world  there  would  be  no  divorce, no orphans, no rape, murder,
TJ> genocide.  There  would  be  no  need to grasp for the "old mighty
TJ> dollar".  We would all be working on these things and working as a
TJ> team  to  colonize other planets and not make the same mistakes we
TJ> have made with this one.

Well, it is your world.  You have a sphere of influence.  Get yourself
together  and  help anyone else get it together that you are able.  Be
the best example of a good person you can.  If you have to take a side
then  take  the  side  of  good.   Eschew  partisan politics, national
interest  and  economic gain if it does not further the good (and I am
sure  you  will  find  it  does  not).   Exhibit  the  same restraint,
responsibility  and discipline you expect from others.  Tell the truth
and  be  honest  to  a  fault.  Speak plainly and openly and honestly.
Cultivate  a  sense of personal honor which is based on doing good and
not  on  some  artificial  standard.   Expect nothing in return and if
there is some return be grateful for it.

What  good  and  decent  people are doing and understanding around the
world  is  that what we are talking about here cannot be legislated or
imposed.   It  is  spread  by  example and education.  An evolutionary
process  which  is  painfully  slow  but  in  the  end  necessary  for
meaningful and lasting change for the better.

We need to measure our words and stand back and look at things without
prejudice  one way or the other.  Anything else ought to be beneath us
and anything else would make us one of "them".

Please  do  not take this as a flame or personal attack as such is not
my intention.  I speak only for patience and reason and responsibility
and for the good.

TJ> I  will  not  respond to any more political posts simply because I
TJ> now  clearly  see  it  aggravates  you,  even  though  I find them
TJ> humorous. It is not my intent to anger anyone here, even though at
TJ> the time it looked as though you were directly asking for opinions
TJ> on  your political post. Thus, I am going to leave with a smile of
TJ> gratitude  towards  you  knowing  that  I  cannot  comprehend  why
TJ> political discussions need to take place here and will simply look
TJ> forward  to  questions  and answers about this solution to some of
TJ> these problems, the one we call "Biodiesel".

Political  discussion  happen because politics is intimately connected
with  everything  in  this  world and these discussions will hopefully
lead  to  better understanding of one another and the situation we all
live in.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

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