Further to which...

The Christian Taliban



> >Some really sick crap......
> >
> >http://www.cdfe.org/
> >
> >Pick a link. According to these asinigned zealots the sypmtoms are the cause
> >of the disease.
>Some of them may be zealots, but I think most of them are just...
>damn, the term that's used is "whores", but that's an abusive term
>for prostitutes and using it this way defames them: it implies
>dishonesty and carries contempt, which is unjust. Can't think of an
>apt term for these folks. "Whores" then, for now, with due
> >Think I'd rather bed down with the Taliban. At least their doctrine has some
> >assemblance of social order and construct other than exploiting anything and
> >everything for a buck.
> >
> >There are terrorists and then there are terrorists.
> >
> >Todd Swearingen
> >Appal Energy
>The Taliban is more honest - whatever their principles and actions
>might be (execrable in many ways), they at least hold to them because
>they believe in them, not because they're paid to. Though they did
>accept rather a lot of millions of dollars in US support... but you
>didn't see them spouting a lot of US propaganda as a result. I don't
>think they're any worse than Christian fundamentalist extremists or
>any other kind of fundamentalist extremists, maybe not as bad in some
>ways. ("Keith supports Taliban!" LOL!)
>Are the Taliban terrorists though? They did and do support Al-Qaeda,
>which is also a creation of US funding and support, and possibly more
>than that. The US is itelf a major supporter of terrorists, from the
>mujahideen to Fort Benning, and much more besides. ("Ah, but they're
>*our* terrorists." For now maybe...) But I don't think the Taliban
>itself has been guilty of terrorism.
>Whereas the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise and its ilk...
>"Since the late 1980's, CDFE has been at the center of the Wise Use
>movement. CDFE was originally founded by Alan Gottlieb July 4, 1976.
>The Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizen's Committee for the
>Right to Keep and Bear Arms were founded at the same time, and CDFE
>is still affiliated with both gun groups. According to the New York
>Times, Gottlieb shifted his focus to environmentalism when he
>realized the fundraising potential. The New York Times wrote, "For
>conservative fundraisers like Mr. Gottlieb, the enemies were Senator
>Edward M. Kennedy and the threat of gun control. But now Mr. Gottlieb
>has found a better target. 'For us' said Mr. Gottlieb...'the
>environmental movement has become the perfect bogeyman.'" CDFE is a
>501(c)3 tax-exempt organization."
>The Taliban are not whores.
>Are people like CDFE terrorists? I think so. This is terrorism:
>Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death
>Read the rave reviews of Paul Driessen's new book that exposes the
>green racist agenda to withhold malaria control and life-saving GMO
>crops from Africa and other developing nations. A horrifying account
>of green genocide.
>Inasmuch as info-toxins like this convince the gullible, which
>clearly they do, people's lives and livelihoods are destroyed en
>masse. The malaria-control bit is pro-DDT, which is an environmental
>disaster - great stuff for small-farmer communities entirely
>dependent on a healthy and functioning ecology. The pro-DDT lobbying
>is helping to hold up research on far more promising solutions
>without the unacceptable costs, such as this, yesterday:
>Studies Show Promise in Fight Against Malaria
>I've got a whole file of stuff like that, and what's obvious is that
>not nearly enough funding is going into it, despite the huge death
>toll and its crippling effect - there's more money in DDT.
>"Life-saving GMO crops"? The Africans don't think so, and withstood
>immense US pressure in the face of a famine to reject them. In India,
>this is what happens:
>"One video project currently underway is a series monthly interviews
>with cotton farmers accompanied by filming of their transgenic Bt
>Cotton crops as they have been growing over the current season. Even
>before the season is over, the videos are recording the changing mood
>of the farmers as it turns from enthusiasm to disappointment. Once
>the cotton is harvested (if there is still cotton to harvest, the
>results have been so poor so far) the video will be used as part of
>the campaign against genetically engineered crops. A preliminary
>report has already been prepared by three scientists and reported in
>New India Express. On the same day, The Hindu reported the suicides
>of three farmers."
>There have been thousands of farmer suicides because of this. That
>GMOs will help prevent famine in the 3rd World is a lie, and a
>murderous one. Rolling back health and environmental controls on
>hazardous chemicals by means of further paid-for lies is also
>But maybe that's not really terrorism - terrorism is indeed killing
>innocent civilians, but usually in pursuit of a political agenda, not
>just because you're paid to. We really do need a new term for this.
>"Wise Use" Thought for the Day:
>"'Precautionary Principle.' This misguided maxim argues that, based
>on the fear that something harmful may *possibly* arise, we should
>opt for technological paralysis."
>-- Center for Consumer Freedom
>For antidote, see:
>Corporate Campaign Against Precaution
>Center for Consumer Freedom
>The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest
>Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and
>tobacco industries. It runs media campaigns which oppose the efforts
>of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists and
>groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling them "the Nanny
>Culture - the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers,
>anti-meat activists, and meddling bureaucrats who 'know what's best
>for you.' "
>CCF is one of the more active of several front groups created by
>Berman & Co., a public affairs firm owned by lobbyist Rick Berman.
>Based in Washington, DC, Berman & Co. represents the tobacco industry
>as well as hotels, beer distributors, taverns, and restaurant chains.
>The group actively opposes smoking bans and lowering the legal
>blood-alcohol level, while targeting studies on the dangers of red
>meat consumption, overfishing and pesticides. Each year they give out
>the "nanny awards" to groups who, according to them, try to tell
>consumers how to live their lives.
>Anyone who criticizes tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods or soda pop is
>likely to come under attack from CCF. Its enemies list has included
>such diverse groups and individuals as the Alliance of American
>Insurers; the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; the American
>Medical Association; the Arthritis Foundation; the Consumer
>Federation of America; New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani; the Harvard
>School of Public Health; the Marin Institute for the Prevention of
>Alcohol and Other Drug Problems; the National Association of High
>School Principals; the National Safety Council; the National
>Transportation Safety Board; the Office of Highway Safety for the
>state of Georgia; Ralph Nader's group, Public Citizen; the U.S.
>Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the U.S.
>Department of Transportation.
>In a 1999 interview with the Chain Leader, a trade publication for
>restaurant chains, Berman boasted that he attacks activists more
>aggressively than other lobbyists. "We always have a knife in our
>teeth," he said. Since activists "drive consumer behavior on meat,
>alcohol, fat, sugar, tobacco and caffeine," his strategy is "to shoot
>the messenger. ... We've got to attack their credibility as
>In a May 11, 2002 San Francisco Chronicle article, CCF spokesman John
>Doyle responded to questions about nationwide radio ads put out by
>the group. He said the ads were meant to attract people to their
>website and "draw attention to our enemies: just about every consumer
>and environmental group, chef, legislator or doctor who raises
>objections to things like pesticide use, genetic engineering of crops
>or antibiotic use in beef and poultry."
>All the same, eh? Shoot the messenger, knife in our teeth. Just like
>CDFE's Ron Arnold, out to kill everyone with a sword and so on. Not
>just talk, not just a figure of speech.

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