Must be something about the electronic media that permits liars, cheats and
frauds to rain desception on their audiences and not only get away with it,
but get elevated to the status of co-host and receive an international book

Print media tends to be a bit more antiquated, what with terminations and
resignations whent the same thing happens in their venue.

After all...

Why Do You Think They Call It Programming?

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book, Give
Me a Break

> Hello Ryan
> >Wow, have any of you read his book?  Has anyone on the list read it?  He
> >valid points, especially when it comes to risk aversion and the means we
> >to to save ourselves from miniscule threats.  His whole point is that the
> >number one factor that decides how long we will live is whether or not we
> >live in poverty, and makes a great case for how capitalism saves those
> >participate from poverty.  He talks about how government is getting too
> >in this country, about how much money that gets wasted as they fail time
> >after time after time.  He talks about how the private sector can do such
> >better job than the public sector of saving ourselves from ourselves.  He
> >even talks about ADM and their success in squashing competition by using
> >government subsidies on ethanol.  I encourage you to give it a read, it
> >be eye opening, totally changed my view on Nader too.
> :-) In which direction? ... a "fear-monger" who "screamed about
> everything" maybe?
> Now, what was it I said about young master Stossel?
> >  >>  Stossel's a liar and a cheat, just another industry front-man,
> >  >>  links with the usual suspects, no integrity.
> That's about right.
> First though, since you've read the book, how do you think Stossel
> would react to Peter Montague's two-part article on the Precautionary
> Principle that I just posted the second part of?
> So, where to start? There's many megabytes of record on Stossel's
> lying. Start with the book I suppose. Stossel threw a launch party
> for the book - or rather Reason Magazine did. They're old friends,
> Stossel and Reason Magazine. Reason is a libertarian magazine
> published by the Reason Foundation. A favourite guest of Stossel's is
> "science writer" Michael Fumento, well-known for circulating
> misleading tobacco propaganda. He's worked for the Competitive
> Enterprise Institute and Consumer Alert, and Reason Magazine - all
> recipients of tobacco funding (especially from Phillip Morris), and
> he's now a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, which also receives
> tobacco funding, among other things - more on them later. Check out
> the Reason Foundation's funding:
> And the Competitive Enterprise Institute, while we're at it - there's
> a lot about them in the archives too, Biofuel list members have had
> serious run-ins with the CEI in the past, NOT friends of biofuels!
> Note this bit (and see below, Case 1): "CEI has also worked to
> cultivate a relationship with John Stossel, the controversial
> correspondent for ABC-TV's 20/20 program. When Stossel came under
> fire in August 2000 for citing nonexistent scientific studies on a
> 20/20 segment bashing organic foods, CEI set up a "Save John Stossel"
> website to help him keep his job. Stossel returned the favor..."
> Anyway, Greg Goldin wrote a piece on the book launch for LA Weekly:
> Stossel's Choirboys
> Stossel objected in a letter to the LA Weekly, denying a quote
> attributed to him, and rather strangely objecting to little else
> Goldin had said. This was the quote, quite well-known: "Years ago,
> when he quit exposing consumer rip-offs, he told a Federalist Society
> audience, 'I got sick of it. I also now make so much money, I just
> lost interest in saving a buck on a can of peas.'" Here's Stossel's
> objection, and Goldin's reply:
> Selective Memory
> Did he say it or not? For this and more, see what Russell Mokhiber
> and Robert Weissman have to say about it - editor of the Corporate
> Crime Reporter and editor of the Multinational Monitor, respectively:
> No big deal? Maybe not, but read what Mokhiber and Weissman say
> before you decide. "... the reporter in question has a network
> television show that influences millions of Americans on the issue he
> cares about deeply -- protecting and preserving corporate power in
> America. And he has a book on the New York Times bestseller list
> defending his thesis. And he questions whether he said what we said
> he said. So, hear us out."
> Two other cases (there are plenty more!).
> 1. "The Food You Eat" - Stossel and organic food
> Cultivating the Truth About Organics
> August 21, 2000, San Francisco Chronicle
> by Brian Halweil
> I WATCHED IN DISBELIEF as John Stossel, co-anchor of ABC's "20/20,''
> delivered a half-hearted apology August 11 for falsifying evidence in
> a report that claimed organic produce is potentially more dangerous
> than food raised using toxic agrochemicals, antibiotics, added
> hormones, genetically engineered seeds and massive animal-feeding
> factories.
> [more]
> July 31, 2000
> Report on Organic Foods Is Challenged
> December 20, 2001
> Food Fight
> by Mark Dowie
> Stossel Fabricated Data on Organics, Researchers Say
> August 1, 2000
> The Konformist - John Stossel, Junk Journalism & the Poison Peddlers
>  From The November 2000 Issue of Natural Foods Merchandiser
> Connecting The Dots: John Stossel, ABC And Agribusiness
> Barbara Keeler and Robert Sterling
> "... We have, however, connected the dots from Stossel and ABC back
> to Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, ConAgra and others with vested interests in
> discrediting organic foods."
> If you've checked those out, you'll have encountered another of
> Stossel's friends, Denis Avery of the Hudson Institute, mentioned
> above.
> Talking pure manure
> 2000/10/8
> Agribusiness mouth Denis T. Avery keeps claiming that "people who eat
> organic and 'natural' foods are eight times as likely as the rest of
> the population to be attacked by a deadly new strain of E. coli
> bacteria (0157:H7)" -- despite solid proof that his "evidence" and
> "tests" are all falsified. In fact nearly all cases of E. coli
> 0157:H7 poisoning result from contaminated meat from industrial
> factory farms and meat processing plants, NOT organic farms. So why
> does he keep claiming it? Because the truth hurts.
> The Hudson Institute made a slight slip-up a couple of years ago and
> published a full list of donors on their website. It wasn't there for
> long! But I downloaded it. A real rogue's gallery of all the usual
> suspects in the world of right-wing think-tanks, Wise Use spinners
> and Astroturf industry fronts.
> 2. "Tampering With Nature" - Stossel and schools
> The CEI report continues: "... Stossel returned the favor the
> following year by working with Michael Sanera to put together a
> program titled "Tampering With Nature" that focused on attacking
> environmental education. In March 2001, a pesticide industry front
> group known as Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE)
> sent out an action alert memorandum to its members. "Mr. Sanera has
> been contacted by ABC News," the memo stated." A producer for John
> Stossel is working on a program on environmental education. He needs
> examples of kids who have been 'scared green' by schools teaching
> doomsday environmentalism in the classroom. ... He has some examples,
> but needs more. Would you send out a notice to your group and ask if
> they know of some examples. Then contact Mr. Sanera ... Let's try to
> help Mr. Stossel. He treats industry fairly in his programs."
> Apparently neither Stossel nor CEI applied similar standards of
> fairness toward the schoolteachers and students they interviewed.
> Prior to the program's air date in July, several California parents
> of children interviewed by Stossel filed a complaint with ABC,
> stating that they had been misled about the nature of the program and
> the types of leading questions their kids would be asked. Seattle
> teacher John Borowski also being approached by ABC producer Ted
> Balaker, who attempted to trick him into appearing on camera by
> claiming that he was making a documentary about Earth Day, while
> denying that he was working with Stossel and Sanera."
> Here's the full story:
> Scared Green! How John Stossel, ABC, Rightwing Think Tanks, and the
> Chemical Industry Are Colluding to Trash Environmental Education
> And here:
> Smoke and Mirrors: How polluters influence environmental education -- 
> Corporations now view schools as convenient locations for the
> dissemination of propaganda debunking environmental concerns -- John
> F. Borowski, Utne Reader, May 09, 2001
> Get 'em when they're young. That's the reality of what Stossel does,
> smoke and mirrors. This is what he helps to veil, to distract
> attention from:
> Read the whole thing while you're at it:
> The Enemies of Democracy
>  From another piece:
> "Stossel and ABC have some dubious connections of their own. As the
> segment was produced, ABC was receiving a percentage of sales from
> "Stossel in the Classroom," educational materials published by the
> Palmer R. Chitester Fund based on Stossel's ABC reports. On the Board
> of Associates of the Chitester Fund sits Herb London, the President
> of the Hudson Institute, employer of Stossel's main hatchet man
> against organics, Dennis Avery. The Hudson Institute receives funding
> from chemical and agribusiness companies such as Monsanto, DuPont,
> and ConAgra. The Chitester Fund itself relies heavily on
> contributions from organizations regarded as ultra conservative, and
> boasts a board of high-profile right wingers.
> "The Chitester Fund relies on contributions from the Olin Foundation.
> Olin also gave to the Hudson Institute $125,000 in 1993 and $300,000
> in 1994. The Olin Foundation was created and is still controlled by
> the Olin Corporation, a top producer of agricultural chemicals.
> Furthermore, Olin was, along with Occidental Chemical and Dupont, one
> of the major firms involved in the Love Canal environmental scandal
> in Niagara Falls, NY."
> And so on and on. Stossel's not a journalist as he claims, he's a
> shill, just a fairground barker outside a Hall of Mirrors stall
> (though an extremely well-paid one).
> Here's some more:
> Extra!, March/April 2003
> The Stossel Treatment
> Selective editing and other unethical tactics
> By Rachel Coen
> Extra!, March/April 2003
> Give Us a Break
> The world according to John Stossel
> By Peter Hart
> Cursor's Media Transparency
> John Stossel
> John Stossel: FAIR Resources
> Stossel and his friends are liars and cheats, they have no integrity.
> They know they're liars, they don't care about that, their job is to
> keep on getting the lies out on behalf of their clients, to get the
> exposure and the column-inches that (a) get the "message" believed,
> and (b), much worse, steadily shift the public towards *wanting* to
> believe such stuff.
> Stossel's book fits what we're all trying to achieve with biodiesel?
> Tell me, Ryan, why wasn't America doing 20 years ago what we're
> trying to do here now with biofuels and sane energy? Instead
> everything's gone helter-skelter in the opposite (mad) direction -
> for instance, fuel economy is worse now in the US than it was 15
> years ago. What's the real reason for it? It started to happen, all
> this stuff was known then, and furthermore it's the kind of thing
> Americans do. Or did. So why not? Ponder as you may, it's this
> disinfo stuff that's the cause. No surprise, since about as much
> money goes into it every year as US taxpayers pour into the Pentagon.
> That's the best thing you can find to do with your taxes? That's not
> what America's all about is it? Is that really what most Americans
> want? Short of this incessant barrage of heavy-duty disinformation
> and its effects, that's what they'd be wanting? A world where this
> passes as normal? - "More than 150 Republican lobbyists worked on
> Bush's transition team. Diane Steed of the Coalition for Vehicle
> Choice, which was created by the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers of
> America to fight against higher fuel efficiency standards, advised
> the Department of Transportation."
> I doubt it.
> Anyway, so much for Mr Stossel, a disgrace to my profession. Well,
> you've got all the resources for it now, next time do it yourself eh?
> Best wishes
> Keith
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Ryan
> >  -----Original Message-----
> >  From: jtcava [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 6:25 AM
> >  To:
> >  Subject: Re: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book,
> >Me a Break
> >
> >
> >  Crap,he sounds alot like Rush Limbaugh.
> >  John
> >
> >  Appal Energy wrote:
> >
> >  >Ryan,
> >  >
> >  >Speaking only from personal experience, having worked environmental
> >issues
> >  >for twenty some years, Stossel is a clown. He takes every valid
> >  >scientific/social/economic argument on an issue that he is in disfavor
> >with,
> >  >degrades them and particularly those who hold them with open ridicule
> >  >belittlement, to the point that those who don't see a subject his way
> >  >painted as radical, irratioinal, self-serving alarmists, at least to
> >  >uninitiated and unaware.
> >  >
> >  >What he boils down to is notthing more than an opportunist pursuing
> >  >sensationalism and recognition at the expense of all else.
> >  >
> >  >Food irradiation? Toxic waste incinerators? Over fishing? Just name a
> >  >serious subject that can and does adversely affect human health and
> >  >livlihood and Stossel will attempt to turn it into a joke.
> >  >
> >  >His "insights are relative?" Only from the perspective of sending up a
> >flare
> >  >as to how far some people/industries will go - how selective and
> >deceptive
> >  >they will present a matter in order to create an inordinantly
> >  >perspective in the public eye - mis-information and dis-information
> >  >practiced as an art form to the detriment of the balance of society.
> >  >
> >  >Todd Swearingen
> >  >
> >  >----- Original Message -----
> >  >From: "Ryan Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  >To: <>
> >  >Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 10:41 PM
> >  >Subject: RE: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New Book,
> >Give
> >  >Me a Break
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >>Really, whay do you say that?  Did you read his book?  Frankly, I'm a
> >  >>
> >  >>
> >  >little
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >>bit surprised by your reaction, Keith.
> >  >>
> >  >>Cheers,
> >  >>
> >  >>Ryan
> >  >>  -----Original Message-----
> >  >>  From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  >>  Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 7:54 AM
> >  >>  To:
> >  >>  Subject: Re: [biofuel] OT: Food for thought, John Stossel's New
> >  >>
> >  >>
> >  >Give
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >>Me a Break
> >  >>
> >  >>
> >  >>  Stossel's a liar and a cheat, just another industry front-man,
> >  >>  links with the usual suspects, no integrity.
> >  >>
> >  >>  Keith
> >  >>
> >  >>
> >  >>
> >  >>  >Well worth a read, the book clearly describes how, since the
> >  >>  >the US Government has run amock.  I read it cover to cover with
> >  >>  >biodiesel production in mind, and found Stossel's insights
> >  >>  >to our cause.  Below is the book's description:
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >"When he hit the airwaves thirty years ago, Stossel helped create
> >  >>  >whole new category of news, dedicated to protecting and informing
> >  >>  >consumers. As a crusading reporter, he chased snake-oil peddlers,
> >rip-
> >  >>  >off artists, and corporate thieves, winning the applause of his
> >  >>  >peers.
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >"But along the way, he noticed that there was something far more
> >  >>  >troublesome going on: While the networks screamed about the
> >  >>  >of exploding BIC lighters and coffeepots, worse risks were
> >  >>  >And while reporters were teaming up with lawyers and legislators
> >  >>  >stick it to big business, they seldom reported the ways the free
> >  >>  >market made life better.
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >"In Give Me a Break, Stossel explains how ambitious bureaucrats,
> >  >>  >intellectually lazy reporters, and greedy lawyers make your life
> >  >>  >worse even as they claim to protect your interests. Taking on such
> >  >>  >sacred cows as the FDA, the War on Drugs, and scaremongering
> >  >>  >environmental activists -- and backing up his trademark
> >  >>  >with careful reasoning and research -- he shows how the problems
> >  >>  >government tries and fails to fix can be solved better by the
> >  >>  >extraordinary power of the free market.
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >"He traces his journey from cub reporter to 20/20 co-anchor,
> >  >>  >revealing his battles to get his ideas to the public, his struggle
> >  >>  >overcome stuttering, and his eventual realization that, for years,
> >  >>  >much of his reporting missed the point.
> >  >>  >
> >  >>  >"Stossel concludes the book with a provocative blueprint for
> >  >>  >a simple plan in the spirit of the Founding Fathers to ensure that
> >  >>  >America remains a place 'where free minds -- and free markets -- 
> >  >>  >good things happen.'"
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