
As  for me...I would rather spend my time building bridges rather than
*What kind of bridge do you in intend to build with this rhetoric?

*Naziism  is  the  mirror image of Judaism as is the SS of Zionism.

*Not all Jews are Zionists, were all Germans Nazis?

*Israel  has  "eretz  Israel-greater  Israel".

*Eretz Yisrael is simply Hebrew for the Land Of Israel. there are no political 
or idealogical tags associated with this name.

*Israel occupies an area 10 times greater that it
was at its largest in biblical times.

*Where did you get this fact?
To what point in Bilical history are you referring?

*Israel  has Gaza and the West Bank of the Jordan.

*If Gaza and The West Bank are concentration camps, how is it that the 
popoulation has grown so much in the past 36 years. The restrictive atmosphere 
of these places is mostly imposed by other Arab nations and self imposed by 
Arafat as a way  gaining personal wealth and some legititmacy. I must concede 
that more recently it is imposed by Israel as a self defense measure.

*Israel  claims  the divine right to occupy others land
because  this  land  had  been given to them by God but they also have
failed  to  produce  the  divine deed.

*Israel claims the right defend itself because no one else will directly defend 
her (here's where oil plays in). Yes some Jews who may or may not be Israeli do 
claim a divine right but they are a minority on the Israeli scene, security is 
Israel's major concern.

*If  Israelis are attacked there are reprisals

*True some of the time, other times coincidental planned military activities 
occured at about the same time as as reprisals. "Turn the other cheek" is not 
the Jewish way.

*The Israelis are neither
better  nor  worse  than  the  Nazis.

*Nazis killed with pleasure out of sense of nationalism, also as part of a plan 
to create a master race. Many people did not make it through this filter.
 Iraeli's for the most part kill with regret, you don't see dancing in the 
streets of Tel Aviv when an attack is successful.
Golda Meir once said "She could forgive the Arabs for killing her children, but 
not for turning her children into killers"
Yes the "Palistinean" situation is sad but their corrupt leadership is 
responsible for most of their problems,they have never failed to miss an 
*But if you take one person from one side
and  another  from  another side and sit them in the kitchen over some
food  and just get talking you generally find, after the initial horse
manure  has  been  shoveled off, that they want the same things.....

*I agree, it's only when they want the same exact thing that you have serious 

*Sacred cows and magic words being
thrown  by  the  wayside.   Love and reason will have their way in the

*Sacred cows and magic words help some people focus on love. Reason is another 

*Now,  if  you want to go on about forgeries how about this?  The court
in  the  Hague  has  declared that all four sections of the Anne Frank
diary have been written by the same person.  A lot of folks think that
this  proves  that Anne Frank wrote it.  The small problem is that the
fourth  section  was  written  in  ball  point  pen  and  that was not
introduced  to  the general public until about 1953.  Now what is this
going  to  prove aside from the fact that that poor child didn't write
it?   The book has been used for decades to attack the Germans.  Is it
now  going  to  be used to attack the Jews? To what end?  None of this
makes  us better people.  Perhaps it will teach us that the truth will
eventually come out.
If it is a fraud I would like to know it. Truth is important. I would like to 
know where this information can be found. I don't know about it being used to 
attack the Germans, it was never used in that context in my experience but if 
you say so, I'll accept that as fact.

*I  ask  you  friends,  do we have time for this kind of thing?  Do our
childrens  children?.............

*I've made the time to fight distortions of the truth so my children might not 
have to face hurtful hate filled lies and mistruthes (sp?). As far as the 
flowers are concerned, I couldn't see putting flowers grown in Auschwitz, or 
the Killing Fields of Cambodia,or Rhuwanda, or anywhere that innocents have 
been slaughtered on my table.
Yes, we need to love each other, we also need to live with each other.
Gustl good luck trying it your way. 





Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

>Hallo MM,
>The  problem  we  have  here  is  twofold.  First,  just as the phrase
>"national  security"  hides  a  lot  of sins (so to speak), the phrase
>"anti-semite" intimidates and silences a lot of tongues and pens. This
>is  why  "there  is  *no  comment*  from  the all-of-a-sudden too-busy
>gallery when he brings forth a statement such as the above." It is all
>too  common for anyone, particularly someone with a name such as mine,
>who voices any criticism of Israel regardless of whether the criticism
>is  deserved  or not to be smeared and marginalized as an anti-semite,
>bigot,  nazi,  whatever.  If  a  Jew  happens  to be the one doing the
>criticism  then  they  are promptly labelled a "self-hating Jew". This
>happens  not only even, but particularly if the criticism is deserved.
>People  have  lost  their livlihoods by saying the wrong thing even if
>the wrong thing happened to be true.
>Second,  the wrong questions are being asked and debated.  People have
>been  debating  whether this document is a "forgery" or not.  That is,
>in this particular case, irrelevant.  What should be questioned is the
>content  of  the  thing.  Is what is being spelled out in the document
>actually coming to pass and if not then it can be ignored but if these
>things are actually transpiring then it behooves us to discover who is
>doing  these things.  The Protocols claim it is the "Jews" doing this.
>Fine.  Then that should be demonstrable.  If it is not then the people
>responsible  for  these  acts  should  be  traced down, documented and
>exposed  for  what  they are.  As Gandalf said, "All that is gold does
>not glitter, not all those that wander are lost."
>As  for me...I would rather spend my time building bridges rather than
>fences.   I do not like being wrong and appreciate it when my mistakes
>are  pointed  out  to  me that I may bring myself in line with what is
>right.  I appreciate candor and frankness and plain speech.  I believe
>if  you are innocent don't plead guilty and if you are guilty stand up
>and    take    your    punishment.      I   also   believe   in   self
>discipline/restraint/responsibility and reason.  My greatest belief is
>in  the  power  of loving kindness and loving service to ones fellows.
>Now for the plain speech.
>Naziism  is  the  mirror image of Judaism as is the SS of Zionism.  On
>the  one  hand  we  have  the  master race and on the other the chosen
>people  of  God.   Germany  had  "Gro§deutschland-greater Germany" and
>Israel  has  "eretz  Israel-greater  Israel".  Germany occupied a good
>portion of Europe and Israel occupies an area 10 times greater that it
>was at its largest in biblical times.    Germany had its concentration
>camps  and  Israel  has Gaza and the West Bank of the Jordan.  Germany
>claimed  to  have  a  divine  right as the master race to occupy other
>countries  for  Lebensraum  (living  room)  but  failed to provide the
>divine  deed.   Israel  claims  the divine right to occupy others land
>because  this  land  had  been given to them by God but they also have
>failed  to  produce  the  divine deed.  If Germans were attacked there
>were  reprisals.   If  Israelis are attacked there are reprisals.  The
>list   of   mirrored  traits goes on and on.  The Israelis are neither
>better  nor  worse  than  the  Nazis.    Numbers  and  scope  make  no
>difference.   If  it did then the Chinese who slaughtered 33.5 million
>would  win making the Nazis and Israelis both look like pikers.  Human
>life  is human life and we cannot afford to say, "Well, we only killed
>x  number  and  the other side killed xxxx number."  Doesn't work that
>way.   Evil  is  evil.   Perhaps  they  only  killed x instead of xxxx
>because they didn't get the chance.  They still did these evil things.
>The  problem here is that when you get large bunches of folks together
>they  often  wind up getting stupid.  They tend to concentrate on what
>their  differences  are  rather  than their similarities.  They forget
>that their "enemies" are more than likely just the same as them and in
>the end just people.  "We" need things but "they" are just greedy.  Up
>go  the fences and defenses.  But if you take one person from one side
>and  another  from  another side and sit them in the kitchen over some
>food  and just get talking you generally find, after the initial horse
>manure  has  been  shoveled off, that they want the same things.  They
>want  peace  and  happiness,  decent  food and housing and educations.
>They don't want to control anyone or be controlled.  They just want to
>live  and  raise  their  families in peace. They want to be reasonable
>human  beings.   It is when the herd instinct and greed come into play
>that  things  get sticky.  And we humans are just wierd enough to turn
>on our own if we can't find an enemy on the outside.  We are a curious
>There  is  hope  however.   People working with each other.  Minds and
>hearts  changing  one  at  a  time.  Sacred cows and magic words being
>thrown  by  the  wayside.   Love and reason will have their way in the
>Now,  if  you want to go on about forgeries how about this?  The court
>in  the  Hague  has  declared that all four sections of the Anne Frank
>diary have been written by the same person.  A lot of folks think that
>this  proves  that Anne Frank wrote it.  The small problem is that the
>fourth  section  was  written  in  ball  point  pen  and  that was not
>introduced  to  the general public until about 1953.  Now what is this
>going  to  prove aside from the fact that that poor child didn't write
>it?   The book has been used for decades to attack the Germans.  Is it
>now  going  to  be used to attack the Jews? To what end?  None of this
>makes  us better people.  Perhaps it will teach us that the truth will
>eventually come out.
>I  ask  you  friends,  do we have time for this kind of thing?  Do our
>childrens  children?  Is it not better to look to the good and to what
>we  have  in  common?   Does  it matter who wrote the Protocols or the
>bible  or Koran or anything else?  Only whatever truth which is in any
>of  these  documents  is  worth anything.  The rest is for the compost
>heap.   When  we  see  beautiful  flowers growing in the manure in the
>pasture  do  we take the flowers and put them in a vase on the kitchen
>table  or  do  we get our shovels and scoop up manure and all and drop
>that  down on the table?  No matter who or what we are we need to live
>in love and learn to transcend all limiting crap.  We owe that to each
>other, eh?
>Murdoch  this  was  not  something  personal to you but general to the
>list.   I  thought  you  had  it right with your *no comment* comment.
>Things  like  this  have  to  be  faced  squarely and honestly and the
>emotional baggage which normally accompanies topics such as this.
>And now my friends, sorry for the length (sort of). :o)
>Happy Happy,
>Wednesday, 02 June, 2004, 13:01:04, you wrote:
>m> On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 19:49:39 +0900, you wrote:
>>>Hello Arthur
>>>You lose!
>>>I suppose it's no big surprise that a thread such as this should hit 
>>>Godwin's Law, but it sure didn't take you long.
>m> [...]
>>>Whether you agree with it or not, Luc provided some analysis and some 
>>>references and links, which you dismiss as "proven scams and hate 
>>>literature" and liken them to "Mein Kampf". It just doesn't work that 
>>>way here. We're all entitled to our opinions, and entitled to express 
>>>them too, but when you're attempting to discredit someone else's 
>>>view, which he's provided some substantiation for, it needs a little 
>>>more than just an opinion and a contemptuous slap-aside. So either 
>>>add some substance to it, or don't expect to be treated with any 
>m> I've read through a few of Luc's comments and found them worth some
>m> consideration.  However, I haven't read much, in part because of this,
>m> from May 27:
>>>Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 16:31:28 -0000
>>>A Clean Break - Strategy for Securing the Realm. Pay attention to 
>>>the signatories.
>>>There's still more to it than that, but lest I be labelled 
>>>a "conspiracy nut" it shall remain as such :), but then I don't 
>>>really care who labels me with what so here goes anyway:
>>>In conjunction with the above "Clean Break" document written by the 
>>>main instigators of the Iraq invasion we pony it up to another much 
>>>maligned document whose authenticity was declared "a forgery" by a 
>>>Swiss court, but then that judgement was overturned as 
>>>unsubstantiated but it is only the original denigration that is 
>>>publicised for obvious propaganda value; the document of course 
>>>is "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" outlining a world 
>>>control strategy whom some have "theorised" was actually originally 
>>>written by none other than Myer Amschtel Rothschild when he was 
>>>setting up his world banking empire.
>>> is where to go 
>>>read it. It would seem odd that a "forgery" (normally a copy of an 
>>>original) would hold information that is now common fact in the 
>>>world we live in. A coincidence? Does the sun rise everyday by 
>m> As I am not a scholar on this document, but was more offended, as I
>m> said, by the manner in which the topic of the document was raised, I'd
>m> like to ask if anyone here has any response to this "analysis" of
>m> Luc's.  If Luc is to be praised so mightily for raising topics that
>m> take some analysis and effort and (arguably) courage in the face of
>m> established arguments, then I wonder that there is *no comment* from
>m> the all-of-a-sudden too-busy gallery when he brings forth a statement
>m> such as the above.
>m> MM

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