apparently humanity is a freak in nature... we are the only animal wihout a natural predator (that we know so far), this is one of the reasons we are spreading as a plague.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: RE: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Re: [Off Topic]US to sell 5000 smart bombs toIsrael

Hello All,

The Human Race is no doubt slowly destroying the
planet we inhabit. This continuous methodical
destruction will at some point reach critical
mass. Debates continue over Global warming with
both side attempting to prove it's existence or
lake thereof. When the focus should be on
addressing the known problems and researching ways
to ensure our future.

It never fails to amaze me that so many people are
enamored with blasting the United States and its
leadership and even going as far as labeling
America the Great Evil and comparing President
Bush to Adolph Hitler. I've read so many post on
this list attacking America and President Bush but
I have not seen any critiquing Sadam Hussein, the
Warlords of the African continent, Kim Chong-il,
or the terrorist who killed hundreds of children
in Chechnya. While it appears to be trendy to
criticize the US and it's leadership I guess these
people get a pass for their most heinous action
an.html (Sudan Crisis).

Ethnic cleansing claims the lives of hundreds upon
thousands of innocent people every year. It's this
fact that people from different religious and
ethnic groups around the world can't accept each
other that fuels many of the wars of today. Don't
get me wrong, I don't believe for one minute that
oil is not an important part of why American
troops are in Iraq today. It is a simple fact that
if a country needs a resource that they are
lacking, they will go to war to get it, or protect
it. That is one of the primary reasons for Japan's
invasion of China in WWII and it's attack on Pearl
Harbor. The global shortage of today is primarily
energy, mostly in the form of oil. And it's
getting worse
.shtml (Oil Crisis). But soon there will be
another major resource that wars will be waged
orld/2000/world_water_crisis/default.stm (Water
Crisis). Which will in turn produce another
resource shortage the will generate even more wars
m (Food Crisis).

But then there is one more crisis that may very
well be the end to resource shortages, wars, and
our planet killing lifestyles.
96114 (AIDS Epidemic). If this crisis is left
unchecked it could reduce the global population to
levels where the available resources can then meet
the demand and wars will not be so necessary for
ensuring a future existence.

I don't believe governments of the world hold the
solution to our problems. If consumers stop buying
certain products or services all together, then
pretty soon those products and services will be
gone. Countries can correct their unemployment
rates and trade deficits without government
intervention when their citizens buy products
produced within their own country. If we, the
citizens of the world would simply do as I have
read many post hear before, produce some(food,
fuel, etc) for yourself with a little extra for
our neighbor then we can stop the methodical
destruction of our world. But thinking the
governments of this world will take the lead is a
fallacy. It's grass roots or bust!

Of course, who would care what I have to
say...really. I'm just an American "Redneck" with
a low IQ of 160.

If you read this far I hope you can accept me for
who I am and work with me in spite of our
differences so that we can "together" make a
difference in saving this planet we share.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:15 AM
To: Keith Addison
Subject: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Re: [Off Topic]US to
sell 5000 smart bombs to

Hallo All,

Tuesday, 28 September, 2004, 09:39:31, you wrote:

Hi Hakan,
Thanks for your reply, but Luc in a previous
post (Why We Cannot Win),
mentioned it was the duty of a soldier to refuse
to fight in an illegal
KA> Is it a soldier's duty to do whatever he/she's

This  is  the  unfortunate  are
told it is your duty to
refuse  an  illegal  order  but  if you do refuse
the order you can be
brought up on charges and you WILL be told that
you obey the order and
lodge  a  complaint later.  You are damned if you
do and damned if you
don't.  The perfect catch22.

However  it  plays  out  you  will  find  that
the responsibility for
anything "wrong" which is done will be placed as
far down the chain of
command  as  possible  and  preferably  on  an
enlisted person.  If an
enlisted person cannot be found to be the goat the
responsibility will
fall  on  the  lowest  ranking officer possible.
In My Lai it was Lt.
Calley  although  the Colonel who gave the order
to "waste 'em" should
have been held responsible.  At Abu Ghraib it fell
on a female General
who  was  "in charge" but it should have gone much
higher up the chain
of command.

It works the same way in government "service".
Tenet fell on his sword
but  the responsibility really belonged to
Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney
and  Bush.  The entire intelligence community is
biting the bullet for
the  actions  of  Feith.   Colin Powell betrayed
his own honor for the
team  and  lied  through his teeth.  There is no
honor in these people
when it comes to covering their own backs.

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the
gentle slope,
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without
without signposts.
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who
hear the music.
George Carlin
The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of
kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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