Small problem, even if the Christians, the Muslims and the Jews have the same God, it is only the Christians who recognize and bother about what Jesus said. Since Israel is one of the few states who are based on and declared as a religious state for the Jews (therefore not democratic), I am afraid that they do not care about Jesus either. This means that Israel cannot be counted as belonging to the "Christian enablers", but they do activities that some would call war, others would call it occupation, persecution, and discrimination against population in occupied areas, in itself a war crime according to international law.

Perhaps you cannot understand the strange, dispensationalist perspective and growing political power of Evangelical Christianity in North America. These people do not care about what Jesus taught concerning social justice, else they would decry the endless atrocities characteristic of conflict in the Middle East that are perpetrated on BOTH sides. (They like to blame the Palestinians, but other Arab states are equally complicit, the Israeli government rules the occupied territories with exceeding brutality, and we Americans do not view this situation with any kind of objectivity.)

The Dispensationalist Evangelicals believe in a radical disconnect and a complete severing of the soteriological thread that connects the faith of Abraham, with that of Moses, and ultimately, Jesus himself. Hence promises made long ago to Abraham, according to this view, MUST be literally fulfilled by his literal descendants; not we Christians who view ourselves as heirs to God's promises by faith. Their view of Old Testament prophets is fundamental. They believe the prophecies of Daniel and Ezekiel concerning the temple in Jerusalem MUST occur before Jesus returns to earth; therefore the Dome of the Rock Mosque has to go, and Jerusalem must again become the capital city of Israel. To that end, the Evangelicals support the modern, secular state of Israel and its apartheid policies without reservation.

International law and the United Nations are seen as impediments to this end. Because the Dispensationalist Evangelicals believe that unqualified support of Israel is God's will and by extension, the OBLIGATION of true Christians, Israel can do no wrong. These are the people whom Luc calls "Christian Enablers". Israel would not long survive in the world community without the unquestioning support and financial / military aid it receives from my country. I'm certain you people in Europe and other places on earth find American behavior puzzling, but seen in this light, it makes perfect sense.

It does not really matter, since neither US or Israel recognize the court who would enforce such international laws, at least when it suits them.

Is this not true of all sovereign nations? Are not ALL foreign policies designed to suit the nation state?

The same with the UN authority.

UN authority is only as good as the consensus of its members. A couple of years ago, I posted a list of all the resolutions passed against the state of Israel that have been systematically dismissed or ignored. This could not happen without the veto power of my country in the Security Council.

My mother, who considers herself a patriot, sent me a political cartoon depicting a sniveling UN official asking a collection of hysterically laughing mullahs to "please stop your Iranian nuclear weapons program". The nasty undercurrent of that cartoon is that these "laughing mullahs" can only be stopped from possessing nuclear weapons by force.

We have that force, and there are leaders in my country with the will to utilize it. They believe that by doing so, they are doing the will of God. We are living in the midst of a very frightening time in world history.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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