
I'm totally agree with Luc

UN authority is only as good as the consensus of its members. A couple of years ago, I posted a list of all the resolutions passed against the state of Israel that have been systematically dismissed or ignored.

by USA first

This could not happen without the veto power of my country in the Security Council.

My mother, who considers herself a patriot, sent me a political cartoon depicting a sniveling UN official asking a collection of hysterically laughing mullahs to "please stop your Iranian nuclear weapons program". The nasty undercurrent of that cartoon is that these "laughing mullahs" can only be stopped from possessing nuclear weapons by force.

may be yes.
Why Bush didn't attacked North Korea or Pakistan ?

We have that force, and there are leaders in my country with the will to utilize it. They believe that by doing so, they are doing the will of God. We are living in the midst of a very frightening time in world history.

Yes, you have the force but European countries never said that USA should not use it. France and Germany only said that it must serve the International Right. UN have only the force provided by its members. UN are weak partly because the US don't give their contribution. Of course the Americans , or any people in the world, don't have to ask permission to defend themselves. But they should if they want to act out of their borders, bringing war in a sovereign country. The world is not a jungle. Believe that savage capitalism or the law of the stronger will solve every problems and provides the happyness to all mankind is only a quasi-religious wish. If it's not to help people in their pursuit of happiness but only to make a happy few richer at any cost, then this belief must be fight. Of course everybody loves freedom, but the freedom of ones stops where begins the freedom of the others. US republicans must understand that all men are born equals. The life of an american is not more important than the life of any other human being. Believing that WASP or Jews (or anybody else) are elected by God among humanity is dangerous and leads to worst (genocides...). What is good for USA is not automatically good for the world. Bush should not threaten the world for domestic convenience. And if he does so, he shouldn't be surprised to be hated by the main part of the world. I'm so sorry to see how the US image is turning bad here, in Europe. My sister in law is american and moved to France after 11/09. She's also worried to see how many French are considering the average american citizen since Bush is president... We do not understand this policy and how the US voters can swallow such lies and manichean sight of the world. Bush administration seems to follow a policy based on religious faith and economic dogma, obviously not on facts and people interests. It's not better than the mollahs who also say "in God we trust" and the others are Evil. I was chatting this morning with co-workers who asked "are the US voters like him, dangerous, selfish, cynical, narrow-minded, fanatic, cupid, simply stupid or deaf and blind ?". This way to make war on terrorism is the best way to make more terrorism. So much violence and brutality. So much money so badly spent... But let's back on biofuel subject : at last Kyoto protocol has been ratified and the US industry will be obliged to make efforts to compete with more virtuous companies especially in Europe. It should be good for the planet...and the americans who are living on. Despite their government. Biofuel is suspected to be a carbon wells but with a bad ecological balance when produced even from organic and extensive agriculture if far from consumption places and if the fuel needs heavy process. One of the only ecologicaly interresting way right now is in a "short circuit" meaning local organic production of vegetal oil and local consumption in basic diesel motors (or more efficient special built ones) In France, this is not the govt choice. Preference has been given to the solutions from big oil compagny (Diester from colza or Ethanol from industrial grown sugar beetroot , processed and distributed by Total-Elf-Fina / compagnie franaise des pŽtroles). The small home producers of biofuel are prosecuted. The ministry of finance considered the vegetal oil as petroleum product if solded and mixed with other fuel, and taxed it at more than 70% ! That makes non-sense so the new ministry of ecology is trying to solve this. Actually, the only way to use biofuel is to buy edible vegetal oil (or alcohol) and use it as fuel or to produce and use its own biofuel, without declare it. But no way to earn money with it for the moment, even with very high fossil fuels prices.

I'm trying to find links to french speaking websites about biofuels with english translations. Please excuse my bad english. hope this not contribute to misunderstood between Europe and USA ;-)
Keep on doing well

frantz DESPREZ
Europa Union

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