
I enjoy reading your e-mails. Are you a publisher? I have something interesting to tell you that will probably be a bit of a surprise. I n 2001, I developed a theoretical model for a neutrino beam source that would stop the nuclear bomb from reaching critical mass. Therefore no explosion! I sent these details to the British government but I received no real financial compensation for this project. I have heard that some tests are being conducted in secret underground bases but this might be a rumour. What should I do with this project to seek financial rewards? Any idea?




From: "martin williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Business Plan
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:34:28 +0100


My name is Juan Carlos from Tenerife and I recently tried to obtain a grant to produce the ethanol in Tenerife and the entire Canary Islands: The answer - no surprise to me (with a degree in chemistry!) "At this present time we are not interested." I provided a full business plan but no-one gave my project consideration. Is there a special route I can pursue to encourage bio-fuel in Tenerife. I will look into EEC funding but I do not think I will get much help here either. Any advise?

Thank you

Pardon me for asking, but are you Martin Williams or Juan Carlos?

Best wishes



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