But.... from what I can tell the ecology of forests is much more complicated
than the planting and harvesting cycle of most commercial crops and of the
common back yard garden.  I'm sure man can duplicate nature's harvest cycle
but, would that meet the needs of man?  Most likely not, because one reason
man now tends crops and developed animal husbandry is that Earth's natural
cycle output wasn't enough to, support an ever expanding population.  My
question would be is the production of methanol a wise use of forests and
forest management?  Methanol can be produced from a variety of renewable
plants, but I don't know of any substitutes for the lumber products forest's
can supply
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jeff younkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Methanol from Trees

: Forrests need TLC, and harvested in a safe manner replanted for the next
: gereration and more TLC. If this is not done mother nature has her own
: way of harvesting. And mother natures way is not nice. Harvesting a
: forest is no different than harvesting any crop. It needs to be done in
: a responsible manner to ensure the next crop for the next generation.

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