I remember something in Revelations about the antichrist not being
revealed until the middle of his seventh year.  I figure this means some
major ethical scandal for "W" in July 2007.  If that happens, I might even
become a believer.


>  --- DB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So the Demorats put out their best man ,but he was
>> beat out by the millions of "Jesus Freakos" Who
>> haven't a clue  of what the hell Biodiesel even
>> is.So now we have to suffer through 4 more years of
>> reality  as expressed through the George "the
>> Weasel" Bush Machine.I think not enough
>> Environmental Damage has stirred the sleeping
>> masses. Maybe the next presidential candidate will
>> be more pro environmental.Personally  I think the
>> religious right is a very big problem to over
>> come................DB
> Furthermore, evangelical right  is pro isreal, in the
> belief that iseal will blow up the Axa mosque in east
> jeruselem. This willl bring about the restoration of
> the temple Suleman built ( which is a myth). The
> evangelical christians believe that this will set up
> the conditions for the comng of messiah.
> fox
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