that wouald beee the gm 5.7 with roosaaa master,,/stanadynee pumpp,, same as 6.2,, stanadtne was rebuilding early roosa for gm application, it had a shockkkk coup0ler insideeee that waass incompatibleee with dieselllll fuel, it was aaa plastic disc aabobut the sizeee of silver dollar withhhh sixx holes equallyy apaced. when diesel attacaked this coupllser , it turneddd blackkk, hard, briattle, breaking up ,looked like blaack perpper,,trashed the fuel systemm, also this causedd the cpupler to drive on the pins, also caused the timeingg to retard drasticallly,, roose bout the designnn, and built replacemeanat based on this with stainless steel shock,,, coupler, buck,for the personn wo wants to put his efflujent into the creek,,,,,, theree are many thisngsss, with neutral ph that willl drop u in your tracksss as sure as gunshot to the eyebrows, if u want to find out how well wash water in the creeeek might work, post two line ad in your local newspaper with your intentionsss,,jyour neighborss will let you knoww how welllll they thinkk it might work,,,,buck,think of itttt this way,,,, the discharge froam yourr washisng machine mightt be neutrallll,,,,,, want to drink it,,,,, dont put anythiang in your water u wouldnt want to drink, somebody does,,,, even if theyrrrrr cowss, and if so then u or someone drinks it anyawya

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