
You live closer to it, but I have large difficulties to see that China
was behind the Cambodian Pol Pot philosophies. It was in its
essence an onslaught on education and knowledge, something
that is very difficult to identify with the policies of China.

China have during the last 50 years had a very active support of
education and knowledge. They have gone to extremes to build
a solid base of professionals in all sciences. I have seen and
experienced this, since the early 1960's, in their student programs
for foreign studies and their willingness to send students to other


At 02:05 AM 12/31/2004, you wrote:
Hi Walt ;

>          Within living memory, China has taken
> economic steps which
> resulted in the deaths of millions of their own
> citizens; I therefore
> conclude that they wouldn't blush at taking steps
> which diminished the
> quality of life for Americans or Japanese.

Quite true.  I am not a historian, but apparently the
Cambodian fiasco was financed and conducted with
Chinese management and military resources.  It
appeared to be an experiment.  Poeple were driven from
their homes and all money was destroyed.  Since it
failed so badly, one of two things is possible. One,
the Chinese have abandoned the ideology, or two, they
have analyzed what went wrong so they can try again
somewhere else.  Let's all hope it is number one.

Before CS goes ballistic, let me also say that the US
as well as almost every other nation has colonized
foreign countires too, sometimes violently (eg. Iraq).
 Let's all hope they too analyze what went wrong and
don't try again somewhere else (Iran).

>          I'm happy that CS trusts the Chinese
> government and it's
> intentions. I don't. Heck, I don't trust the
> intentions of the US
> government, or the French government, or the German
> government (I trust you get the pattern here).

Absolutely right.

>          My position would be that the folks in
> charge in China are not
> fools, and neither are they stooges for Wal-Mart. My
> guess is that they
> have a plan to convert the US into a colony
> exporting food and raw
> materials to China; I could be wrong, but that's the
> way the future looks
> to me.

In interesting possibility.  If it did turn out that
way, it would only be because the US followed economic
policies which allowed it to happen.  This is looking
more and more likely.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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