"practiceing my titration and making small 1 liter batches in a blender from fresh 
canola oil bought from the corner store"

I thought a person does not have to titrate new oil.. it's always very close to 
the same 3.5 g/ltr i believe..

Yes you should still wash to remove leftover methoxide mixture stuff..

and yes cold is bad.. processing and washing should done at above normal room 

Ray J

Vincent zadworny wrote:

hi everyone,

i am just starting out on this crazy journey into alternate feuls. i have been practiceing my titration and making small 1 liter batches in a blender from fresh canola oil bought from the corner store. it all seems to be going great. after settling over night the liquids seperate into two layers no shadow or middle layer. i left one batch sitting for about 2 weeks and the diesel became transparent.
Question #1 - do i still have to wash this transparent diesel???

titrated some WVO and did a test batch of it too. the first time my math was 
off and i used to little lye, realized my mistake and made up a second. this 
time it seemed to work but doesn't pass the 150ml quality test on the JTF site. 
it didn't seperate in the alloted time but after settling over night it did.

Question #2 - i and working in a cold wearhouse. could that be the problem??

any help would be welcomed

Vincent Zadworny
Vancouver, Canada

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