----- Original Message ----- From: "Vincent zadworny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "biomailinglist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:26 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

hi everyone,

i am just starting out on this crazy journey into alternate feuls.

Congratulations on getting started on a rewarding future.

i have been practiceing my titration and making small 1 liter batches in a blender from fresh canola oil bought from the corner store. it all seems to be going great. after settling over night the liquids seperate into two layers no shadow or middle layer. i left one batch sitting for about 2 weeks and the diesel became transparent.

Question #1 - do i still have to wash this transparent diesel???

Yes, there remains amounts of methanol and catalyst in the fuel that needs to be washed out.

titrated some WVO and did a test batch of it too. the first time my math was off and i used to little lye, realized my mistake and made up a second. this time it seemed to work but doesn't pass the 150ml quality test on the JTF site. it didn't seperate in the alloted time but after settling over night it did.

But did it seperate into two clearly distinctive layers ? Usually 30 minutes will do it.

Question #2 - i and working in a cold wearhouse. could that be the problem??

For a small test batch I don't know, however for larger batches I have found it a factor not to be dismissed. Processing temperature at 55C and settling overnight should allow about 49C or there abouts still at the draining of the glycerine layer after settling. The batches I made in warm weather worked this wat and were a charm. Those I did after the weather turned cooler weren't so cooperative as the water I used to wash was the same but had cooled off as had the temps inside the reactor. The only factors that changed were the temperatures, everything else was identical, which is what led me to believe that the colder temps factored in a problem. Problem that I am in the process of removing from the equasion by insulating the pump house where the reactor is stored and bringing in a small ceramic heater to keep the ambient temps at livable summer temps (22C). This won't worl for late December through early March but it will for the late fall and early Spring allowing me to produce up to those times and have enough stored to carry me through until I can get at it again. I am also presently expanding my system to allow for double capacity a la JtF 90 liter type set up with a secondary settling tank.
Care to have a snoop ?

Stick with it, you will get there, and through the ups and downs you will learn the necessary lessons to help you troubleshoot any problems that come up, and then be able to pass on the knowledge you have gained that could be of help to someone else.


any help would be welcomed

Vincent Zadworny

Vancouver, Canada

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