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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anti-Fossil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Automotive Black Box

> Hi Luc,
> Yes, I can see how they might have an issue with that. Isn't it funny how
> skipping out on paying for services really seems to get peoples attention?
> I know when I was still in Texas up until 1999, in the Houston area, they
> were installing those wonderful (dripping with sarcasm) little cameras on
> every traffic light they could find. A little freaky if you ask me.

Now if one were to carry the thought process out to it's logical conclusion 
we end up with the Orwelian Telescreens where the TV acts as your source ogf 
information but the thing also gets to watch your every moment and record 
your every word.
Paranoid? "But", they would say, "it gives us a leg up on terrorism. It 
would allow to scrutinise potential threats before they can become reality", 
they would say. "It would make the nation a safer place... blah blah".
Impossible ? So was WTC's getting dropped nto it's respective footprints and 
so also was Patriot 1 and 2 not that long ago. Would one have even mentioned 
it as a possibility four years ago they would have been laughed at and 
treated like a conspiracy but  who's immagination is over ripe, but it did 
happpen, eh? It continues to happen, eh? It forcasts to expand and grow into 
a even greater monster, eh?
The only safe government power is controlled government power, and in most 
cases government is the one doing the controlling. Not aying that or anyone 
can alctually *do* anything to twart that, merely that I am very leery of it 
considering the track record of power abuse. Today it is black boxes in your 
glove box, cameras on the street corners, and on the highways, all in the 
name of "protecting the public good", and so where does that *protection* 
stop ?
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759


> AntiFossil
> Mike Krafka
> Minnesota USA

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