My wife is a claims adjuster for one of the largest private insurance
companies here in the US ( one of the reasons that I don't worry about my
driving.    I would never hear the end of it if I messed up.     LOL ), and
last night I thought to ask her about the black boxes.

It took me 10 min. of explaining as to what I was talking about, because she
had never heard of them before, so the company that she work for doesn't use
the boxes to check up on the accadent reports.    According to her and her
co workers, there is usually enough 'other' evidence to be able to make a
deterimation as to fault.

I have been thinking about the accuracy of these black boxes, and while they
might be useful in some cases, in many cases they would be of no use
especially in places that are subject to bad weather, and slippery roads are

Just earlier this winter, on the way to church early one Sunday morning,
after a day of wet snow and a hard freeze that night.    We were going up
hill, and I took my foot off of the accelerator to use what was left of the
momentum of the vehicle to top the hill.    By the time we made it to the
top of the hill, we were so slow, the speedometer, was just barely
registering, when we hit something ( pot hole, rock, piece of wood ? )
hidden under the snow, and started to slide.    Almost a whole minute to
slide down the other side of the hill ( a long gentle slope ) sideways.
Accelerator was 0%, brake was 0%, and speed was 0.    All because the city
decided that the snow crews could sleep in that morning.

Greg H.

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