Sorry to call for offline,  I figured these were such a common question the
list would be bored.

Parts of it are, others not. Where to get methanol is very common (try searching the archives).

Makes sense to contribute to list, at worst, it might
archive some of the latest figures/calculations.

Yes, and hopefully more.

By the way, immediately
after I sent my FIRST message to the list the whole JTF site went down ...
no more list messages, nothing ... gulp ...

You blew it up! LOL!

I thought I had asked such a  dumb
question my IP address was shot-down. Glad to see you are still there this morning.

Some problems it seems. But the Journey to Forever site wasn't down, just the list site and the archives, I think.

Well, if anyone can help get me going, I'm all ears ...

I hope they will... I'll look a right dumbo if they don't, for one thing. :-)

Best wishes


meanwhile, I'm  still
looking for good components for a system that will produce 4K gal per year:
personal plus one other family.

Here's what I've found:
        Supplier of relatively affordable cone-bottom plastic vessels:
                Wilbur-Ellis (Ag), Albany, Oregon (800)982-1099
                        30 gal  $90
                        65 gal  $180
                        100 gal $295
                        Stands  $150

        Pumps:  Looking for air-powered diaphragm pumps ... for a whole lot
                less than $500+ (Grainger).  There's got to be something cheap
                that will take the motor out of the equation.  Any suggestions
                where to look?

Appointment with Restaurant owner today: I'm not ready to handle their waste yet. I'll just ask them what they need to make life easier. How else can I "grease the wheels" and make this sustainable for the long-haul. Buckets, barrels, dump-station, whatever they need: my attitude is to help them. Does this mean I should be willing to take garbage? What is reasonable to ask them? To pour-off their WVO separately? Doubt it.
what you get, beggar, patties, fries, spatulas, the works. Be a renderer?
                I'll find-out, the hard way.

Methanol supply elludes me: Email contacts simply aren't working ... drum level orders
                are too small amount, apparently. Anybody out there?

Thanks,  Scott
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 00:58:53 +0900, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

NO!!! NOT offline! Do it onlist, for several reasons. First, you'll get more participation and interaction, and better responses as a result. Also, a lot of people ask these same or similar questions, and if you do it onlist the answers will be in the archives forever for future seekers to find there. Otherwise they'll be on your hard disk and a few others doing not very much, or at least not as much.

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