All of this supported by the America people, in a reelection
of president Bush. I hear the false argument that  only 48%
voted him in office. This argument is poor mathematics, I
cannot get to this result, when Bush won with a more than
3 million of the populous American vote. It was the first
election of Bush, that he did not have a populous majority
and he was put in office by the Courts.


Respectfully sir, I think you misunderstand. 48% of those of us who actually voted, voted AGAINST Mr. Bush.

What's happening in the United States right now is eerily reminiscent of Germany in the late 1930's and into WWII. Even the "coalition building" rhetoric is the same. Some of you may be old enough to remember Nazi propaganda published when they invaded the Soviet Union. I'm too young to have been a live witness, but I've read historical documents showing arrows for German divisions, along with the Bulgarians, Spaniards, Vichy French and other nations who made up a tiny fraction of the invasion force, with headings that promoted the imminent victory of "allied" forces over the "tyranny of Bolshevism". (I understand very little German, but the message was very clear!)

What happened to those people in Germany who spoke out against their government's policies?

Right now, people who are engaged in disseminating views contrary to our government's stated position are either being shouted down by screaming fanatics, or are being intimidated into silence. I've just read a message from a Christian anti-war group whose ISP has pulled the plug on their account because of SPAM complaints. They do not promote SPAM. Certain radicals who don't want the anti-war message broadcast over the internet sign up for the group, then complain to their ISPs about SPAM originating from this particular ministry. With intimidation of this nature, it's becoming increasingly difficult to use technology to spread anti-war information.

We now have The Patriot Act, which can be used to severely curtail our free speech. Our nation's capitol building has been surrounded by a fence and concrete barricades. I've seen snipers on top of the White House. It's a scary time over here.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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