
Of course I read your posts. The misunderstanding is all yours this time my 
friend, I assure you. However, the one whose English (at least as far as 
writing skills go) is so bad, is clearly me. 

The first paragraph of that last post was directed to you Hakan. The rest of 
that post was not intended for you at all. Again, the way that post reads, 
the surprise isn't that you misunderstood. The real surprise would be had 
you understood what I meant from the start.


On Apr 1, 2005 6:34 PM, Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antifossil,
> Of course you cannot agree with my earlier postings.
> You have not even read them, because if you had done
> that?
> Thanks anyway, because I thought that my English is
> so bad, that it exclude the possibility that I was American.
> Hakan
> At 10:11 PM 4/1/2005, you wrote:
> >Hakan,
> >
> >I am stunned almost beyond the point of being able to write this
> >response. I say stunned because I think that for the first time, I
> >actually agree with you. I doubt it will happen too often, if ever
> >again, but as for this post, I can find no reason to disagree.

> >Here is where I should have added a space and let the members of the list 
who are also Americans know that from this point on, I was addressing them.

> >Like it or not, the Canadians, did not vote gwb (lower case used to
> >display my absolute disdain) back into office, nor did the Norwegians,
> >nor the Japanese, nor the Egyptians. You and I did the voting. You
> >and I know who we voted for. If our actual stance, as American
> >citizens of the 21st century is going to be that "well we tried, but
> >mean ole George didn't play fair, and now we don't know what to do but
> >wait..." then why in the hell should the rest of the world look up to
> >us anymore! And what right do we have to complain we they make
> >truthful, but difficult to hear (for Americans), statements. I would
> >like to know what it is that we, as Americans, collectively, want?
> >Status quo? I dont think that a collective "voice", or direction, is
> >even possible for America anymore. That may not be such a bad thing,
> >but who knows. I do know this, I'm an American, and I will always be
> >an American. I will work within whatever framework we have to make
> >this country as strong as she can be. But I want to do it looking
> >truth right square in the face. No more lies Bush. No more deceipt
> >Bush. No more greed before all else corp. America. No more raping
> >the globe corp. America. If I had my way there would simply be no
> >more corporations. Sorry for the ranting, Antifossil.

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