Greeting  Keith 

    Even though  we spend  several hours of search in Internet  about
gelled fuel, we are  not able  to find any information  about the use
of the  cellulose  , but which have   been  reported  to be very
   Thank you   Keith  bringing here real practical  experience ,how 
to make yourself  work , which  is the  real  objective of this group.
 sharing knowledge , practical one on  biofuel applications  and 
social  neworking  based on this knoweldge.
          Solid biofuel is  poor rural  man need ,  even  India lack
research  in this field, eventhough   India  has  the  simple  and 
solid  biofuel   social  technology  making use of   cowdung , any
dried  leaves , solar drying , amk possible removing animal waste from
big cites by self employed  poor  social enterprenuers, reusing  the 
wastes solids, instead of incinerating and land fill dumping , selling
this one  as good poor man  fuel of the low cost .But this  simple
social  self employed  best technology  is  excluded  by the
conventional technology  of urbanization  using  gaseous biofuel is 
pushed  nowadays.
   Jelled biofuel with clean burning  using novel  products and
process  can be as important    project as that of  BioD  that  appear
to  have impact  as  social technology  as the cow dung  based solid
fuel technology.
    Thanking once again  on behalf all the  developing  countries ,
students  and teacher  can do   better social  work with this new 
products   and  good hope to have the  great green future for the 
needful based on the biomass fuel.



On 4/25/05, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings Pannir
> >   Greeting  Larry
> >
> >       Dear Larry
> >
> >            Think of using  the  fuel  gel  made using cellulose
> >powder  or   wood charcoal carbon powder  for  making fuel from
> >alcohol . Several  important information are available  from the old
> >list archives of this group. It is not very clear  whether  you want
> >use the  fuel  for   distillation of  ethanol  .Still for what purpose
> >?
> >
> Charcoal powder, that's interesting. You can also use wallpaper glue,
> I guess that's cellulose.
> This is from a previous message on ethanol gel:
> >"Mix 11 grams of Calcium Acetate with 30 mg of water. Make sure all
> >the Calcium Acetate
> >is dissolved, this might take an hour of occasional stirring.
> >Measure 10 mg of the solution. Slowly add 40 mg of ethanol. As you
> >add the ethanol, the mixture should gel instantly. Pour off any
> >remaining ethanol (a very small amount). Because the mixture gels
> >instantly, you do not have to combine the two until you need to use
> >it for cooking."
> >
> >I made some Calcium Acetate by neutralizing acetic acid with lime.
> >Works well, gels immediately, burns very nicely, but it's not very
> >stable, best to make it when you need it. This way, since it's
> >bioduels in the Third World rural development setting that we're
> >most interested in, everything required is probably available
> >locally, or could be. Ethanol can be brewed on-site (and probably is
> >already), even if it's not absolute; acetic acid can be brewed the
> >same way, by aerating the mash, and agricultural lime is fairly
> >ubiquitous.
> >
> >Here's another one, with proprietory ingredients:
> >
> >Ethanol Solid Fuel Gel / Fire Starter
> >
> >Carbopol EZ-3 Polymer á Primary thickener for alcohol systems -
> >neutralization with a specific amine is critical
> >á Provides good clarity and overall aesthetics
> >á Low skinning & cracking
> >á Approximate burn time of 2.5 hours per 200 grams
> >á Self-wetting polymer for improved handling and easier full-scale processing
> >
> >Formulation
> >Percent Function Trade Name Supplier
> >Carbopol EZ-3 - Weight Percent 0.55 - Thickener - Noveon, Inc.
> >DI Water - Weight Percent 23.90 - Diluent
> >Ethanol - Weight Percent 75.00 - Fuel
> >Triisopropanolamine - Weight Percent 0.55 - Neutralizing agent - Dow Chemical
> >100.00
> >
> >Procedure
> >1. Add the Carbopol EZ-3 polymer to the deionized water with no
> >agitation. The polymer will wet out in a few minutes.
> >2. With moderate agitation, add the ethanol.
> >3. Heat the triisopropanolamine until melted and add with good
> >agitation. The product will thicken during this step.
> >Increased agitation will be required.
> Regards
> Keith
> >     See  here  for  information for  the use of  jelled  fuel  alcohol:
> >
> >Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> >Biofuel archives at (searchable):
> >
> >
> >     We have not done so far  any experimental  work in this field but
> >surely wish to start  soon .
> >       Some  100 000  Brazilian Real  economy is  mad possible to  be
> >the  gain  due to the operation  of  the  one small  aeroplane/ year
> >that   have been adopted  to use ethanol    insecticide  applications
> >of  big  Brazilian soy agribusiness  the  gain compared  to the
> >conventional fuel. Thus big  one become  very big and small   farmer
> >very poor   in the globalised economy .
> >        But , We  are interested  to use  the  ethanol fuel  to remote
> >area for  cooking  using  gel and  charcoal powder , thus  making
> >possible  fuel for poor too and this is very costlier too due  to
> >transportation in remote area.
> >      In  Africa , the  jelled  alcohol fuel has been found to be
> >very successful one as  advocated by UN .
> >Any useful information  and collaborations in this project  are well
> >come as we lost  the cashew apple  of 500 000  hectare  in  our small
> >state alone  in the north east of Brazil  all wasted  due  to the
> >local market, man power cost   and fuel  problems as these are all
> >like  Forest making  food and fuel  , but all lost , yet  we have
> >poor  with out food
> >   This  natural  vitamin products  with 100 porcent waste   need to
> >very  urgently be  solved  by global and local  collaborative  work
> >which is  our major  research  work which  has  Brazilian  research
> >council  aid .But the problem is very complex to solve .
> >We are open for any  new product , process , investment  regard to
> >this  natural products
> >   In this respect we need  more novel methods , experience in other
> >country too .
> >Instead of  food we too think of  jelled ethanol fuel too for
> >sustainability  for the local sustainable developments as   biomass
> >sustainability  project
> >
> >Thanking you
> >
> >Truly
> >
> >Sd
> >Pannir selvam
> >
> >Brasil
> >
> >On 4/25/05, Larry Pickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I would like to run a still using alcohol as the fuel
> > > source. Where can I find information on making large
> > > alcohol burners. I have found information on small
> > > pocket stoves but nothing big. Seems we should be able
> > > to run on what we make rather than buy fuel to make
> > > fuel.
> _______________________________________________
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

  Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s GraduaŤ‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
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