Michael Redler wrote:

Well Larry, if that were true, we would have an increasing number of "self centered objectors" instead of conscientious objectors. Most people who join the military, do so with a belief (faith) that their commander-in-chief will make the right decisions. When they don't, it is no exaggeration to look at it as a breach of contract. You have every right to object to improper use of the military (that would be YOU, if you are a soldier) due to the fact that your government did not work with you in good faith.

Here we disagree, Michael. When a young person signs up for military service, he or she becomes the property of the military and the commanders will do with every soldier whatever they deem necessary. Aside from defiance of illegal orders given by a direct superior, an enlistee has NO right to object. Soldiers do what they are told to do.

Conscientious objectors are often examples of fearless objectivity and heroism. They see war during their time as a divisive instrument of policy and not a mechanism for self defense.

Conscientious objectors have no place in an all volunteer army. I'm old enough to have registered for the draft, and had I been called, military service would have contravened my Christian faith and I would have declined to serve as a combat soldier. However, I was never drafted. Therefore, my objection to military service has been a moot point. Anyone who signs on the dotted line in the recruiting office agrees to support the armed services, with his life, if necessary.
I have NO sympathy for anyone who agrees to soldier, then finds the duty distasteful.

Todd brings up some strong points about coercion in recruiting, but the root of the issue lies in a societal glorification of bloodshed that is often mistaken for heroism.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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