Keith Addison wrote:
>>Myk Hill wrote:
>>>FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many foods
>>>that contain it anyway
>>"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan.
>>Any chance you have a primary source to back up your rather
>>extraordinary statement?
>>Searching the FDA website for aspartame turns up no such no evidence to
>>support your claim. In fact, searching the FDA website turns up the
>>following page:
>>which explicitly states that the FDA has concluded aspartame is safe.
>>So while other groups, like CSPI, and even former FDA employees, like
>>Arthur Evangelista, who may or may not have an agenda of their own,
>>claim aspartame is a neurotoxin, I don't think the statement that FDA
>>lists aspartame as a neurotoxin holds up to the light of day.
> Why would you think that the FDA might not have an agenda of its own John?

They certainly may Keith, but I'd hard pressed to figure out their 
motivation without invoking some nefarious Rumsfeldian kabal. You'll 
have to forgive me if I have a little more faith in broadly focused, 
science based professional organizations like the ADA, the AMA, the ACS, 
the WHO, the MS Society, etc, than I do in alarmist single-issue 
advocacy groups.

But in this particular case, I was just trying to provide some sorely 
needed skeptism toward Myk's rather extraordinary statement.



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