Nancy Canning wrote:
> So you guys are going to believe hook line and sinker all the bs FDA
> passes off. I am laughing so hard at your defending the FDA.

I'm not "defending" the FDA here (nice red herring/strawman btw) - I 
just pointed out that the claim "the FDA listed aspartame as a 
neurotoxin" is 100% flat out untrue.

The "chemicals are bad" schtick gets a little old after you've been on
this list for a while. We get it:

* "chemicals" are bad
* vaccines cause autism
* mercury leaches out of amalgam fillings
* fluoride is a comunist/NWO plot
* aspartame is poison
* neotame is worse
* rumsfeld and cheney are behind it all
* we're all just blind sheep that are pawns to the "bigs"
* natural is good
* raw is better

We're heard it all before.

Maybe you could do us all a favor and actually look in the archives
before you share next time. As Keith likes to point out, there is a
handy dandy link to the archives at the bottom of every message you get.

> The doctors and hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies
> can't make any money of a healthy diet, vitamines, and herbal
> remedies.

> Why do you think that doctors across the country tried to ban
> aspartame before it was released?

Wait, now I'm confused. Are doctors trying to protect us or are they 
trying to poison us to make money. Which side of this epic struggle are 
they on? How am I to know if you can't even make up your mind in the 
same post?

> Article written by Nancy Markle  Ten FREE Cancer Reports
> I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL 
> CONFERENCE on  "ASPARTAME  marketed as "NutraSweet", "Equal", and 
> "Spoonful".   In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that 
> there was an epidemic of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS  and  SYSTEMIC LUPUS, and
> they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant 
> across the United States.   I explained that I was there to lecture 
> on exactly that subject.

Wow Nancy. That's really interesting, especially since:

a) Nancy Markle doesn't exist, or at least no one by that name is known
to do research on MS, lupus or aspartame.

In fact, the original source of the document you cut n' pasted is 
originally from a Usenet posting in 1995 by Betty Martini that was 
modified by an unknown person and attributed to the mythical Ms. Markle.

Searching will turn up postings from Ms. Martini as 
far back as 1996.

b) Searching the EPA publication archive for World Environmental
Congress returns ZERO hits.

Go ahead and try it, I just did:

If the EPA gave the KEYNOTE talk at this WORLD conference, why doesn't
anything come up?

I guess the secret kabal got to them, eh?

> Analysis Shows Nearly 100% of Independent Research Finds Problems 
> With Aspartame October 17, 1996

So which is it? 100%? less that 100%? This is sloppy emotional writing.

> An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and 
> other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The 
> Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, 
> Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Dr. Walton 
> analyzed 164 studies which were felt to have relevance to human 
> safety questions. Of those studies, 74 studies had aspartame 
> industry-related sponsorship and 90 were funded without any industry 
> money.

That's interesting too, since a PubMed search for walton and aspartame
brings up exactly two relevent references, neither of which is a
systematic review of literature.

The first paper is a experimental study on the effects of aspartame in
psychiatric patients. The study was designed to recruit 40 patients and
40 controls; in reality only 8 patients and 5 controls were enrolled
before the university safety committee (the IRB) shut down the study due
to excessive adverse events in patient population. This could be because
the aspartame truly caused that many problems in the patients, or it
could be because of other serious ethical/methological problems.

The second reference is first a technical critique of the study and then
a rebuttal by Walton.

Thus, your faith in Dr Walton is rather interesting since Walton is not
a toxicologist at all, but rather a psychiatrist that has published a
single study on aspartame, and that one study is disputed.

The fact that he is the Chairman of The Center for Behavioral Medicine
at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine is, in fact,
completely irrelevent and is nothing more than an appeal to authority,
and a weak one at that.



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