> I'm a bit squimish in killing animals, too. I was raised as a city
> boy. I was giving thought to lethal injection with potassium chloride
> solution. Pigs and humans have lots of similarities. It's worth a question
> to the local vet.

Why eat animals then?  Eating meat is a rather inefficient method of
converting sunlight into food anyway.  In a sustainble farm they are
necessary for fertilizer, and to convert low grade food stocks not
edible by humans into edible products, as well as to boost protein
input if you can't grow the protein rich vegetables,  but how about
chickens for eggs, or goats or sheep for milk?

It is interesting that we (americans at least) eat so much meat, much
of it produced in factory farms in truly horrible conditions, yet we
blanch at the idea of chopping the head off a chicken ourselves.

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